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956 Worldwide

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956 Worldwide last won the day on January 26

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  1. I guarantee they told her she has to do this or else they’d fuck Maine with Canada tariffs. .
  2. Btw this person is now the Acting Undersecretary for (checks notes) “Public Diplomacy.”
  3. Joke’s on us, he let us know he was only pretending to completely crash out yesterday.
  4. What an astonishing level of self-harm. Simply malicious, broke-brained idiocy. There’s not even ideology, it’s just brainworms.
  5. DJT is speedrunning a test of the Impoundment Act to SCOTUS (he’ll win because we’ve decided the executive is a king). But a lot of these funds are likely for services already rendered to the U.S. government.
  6. There are going to be some interesting court cases, especially if they are just not cutting checks for work performed.
  7. I am trying to imagine what happens in 2010 if Obama allowed a Silicon Valley immigrant tech atheist to launch an attack on Lutherans.
  8. It’s possible they do have clearances. That’s one part of law that is pretty clear, POTUS can give clearance to whomever he wishes and it’s been reported he ordered that to happen for several people without background checks.
  9. Elon Musk and DOGE is every fever dream conservatives ever had about George Soros except real. Including being a real Nazi and not a Jew accused of being a Nazi.
  10. He’s cutting off payments to a Lutheran group that provides services to people with refugee and asylum status. Really. https://www.yahoo.com/news/musk-says-doge-halting-treasury-020337006.html
  11. Imagine being a grownup and typing “shitlib” and “cuck” unironically on the internet. Extremely embarrassing.
  12. Because no one else would fucking do it. Their brains are literally not fully developed and the tech world and social media has produced a generation of digital brownshirts with all the rage but none of the muscle definition.
  13. One of the things people think about dictatorships is that they are some kind of lawless wasteland where things just happen by fiat. The opposite is true— if anything places like Russia, Uzbekistan, Belarus, Azerbaijan, etc. are OVERLAWED. A torrent of legal minutiae and processes, all in the service of crushing opposition and shoring up the rulers. This simulacrum of rule of law is very important to the regimes.
  14. Beijing has been in every American’s phone for a while. Elon’s stunt has absolutely undermined cybersecurity for all of the federal government.
  15. Gabbard flew to Syria to meet with one of the world’s most revolting dictators and then did a media blitz to deny that he used chemical weapons on his own people. She excused and justified Vladimir Putin as late as 2022 She’s unqualified because she is a tool of hostile foreign powers and is an inveterate liar.
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