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956 Worldwide

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Everything posted by 956 Worldwide

  1. JD having theological squabbles and online beefs with professors in the UK. This man would have been so much happier scribbling Thomist screeds in a French monastery in response to some other monk in Bavaria.
  2. He may not be fucked but he’s for sure finished off.
  3. The pair mentioned had moved to the U.S. in the 1990s, naturalized, and coached U.S. juniors.
  4. All of them were now American. Most of them either Russian-American or kids of Russian immigrants. At least that’s what Telegram is reporting. I’m not going to repost till confirmed.
  5. The feds are the last major unionized workforce. And the only thing they can get involved in is stuff like this. There will be amazing lawsuits.
  6. The number of feds that retire each year is a bit more than 100k which is suspiciously close to the “5-10 percent” of the federal work force predicted by OPM to take this offer. Assuming that doing so doesn’t fuck a pension and retirement benefits (not a given at all as actual agencies haven’t chimed in), my bet would be that the vast chunk of people who take this will be retirement eligible and have plans to do so soon. DOGE will tout their efficiency in paying them to not work on the way out. There will also be a lot of lawsuits on this as the largest and best funded unions are licking their chops to go to town on this for anyone who feels they didn’t get what they were promised. Which the taxpayer will pay to defend. There’s a good reason the government doesn’t do personnel actions by email subject line. Everyone will get a lesson in “tech founder” number cooking.
  7. My strong recommendation is to never use an expediter unless you really value your time a LOT more than your money, but that’s a discussion for another thread.
  8. The shock workers of DOGE have increased efficiency by 20 percent over quota. The heroes of MAGA labor expressed their determination to reach 40 percent over quota.
  9. Creating a problem for someone else. It’s very easy to get people to GITMO. Something else entirely to get them out.
  10. That offer came anonymously from an office that has no authority to offer it and in a way completely out of line with how the federal government handle any personnel action. A better question is why anyone would think it is valid.
  11. How does Elon’s dick taste? Umami at the back of the tongue or bitter at the front? Who are we kidding, it doesn’t reach the back.
  12. This isn’t a buyout. You can check the other thread for more, but employees that accept remain on payroll, get paid on a regular basis, and either keep teleworking or move to admin leave. It’s not even clear if all agencies will let employees accept, which jobs are exempt, and if employees can even take other jobs before 30 September. And if you are moved to admin leave you likely take a pay cut in the form of no agency matching to the government version of a 401k. I’d expect a pretty low uptake nearly only from people planning to leave anyway or retire. It’s not even as good as voluntary early retirement.
  13. More on the utter shit show that is OPM (which is now the nerve center for Elon’s team). https://www.pogo.org/investigations/raging-misogynist-now-federal-government-h-r-s-top-lawyer
  14. Astronauts are not stranded on ISS. This is a new storyline that was launched and Trump and Elon are doing kayfabe.
  15. “Acting” Inspector General because the real one was fired illegally. The United States has an authoritarian regime in control. This was voted for.
  16. Employees also generally don’t get the agency matching contribution to their TSP (a government version of a 401k or Texas’ TRS) if they are on admin leave. Unless that is tweaked, this offer comes with a five percent pay cut along with any investment returns you’d have gotten.
  17. I cannot say enough that if you want to know WTF is going on, especially on the “mechanics of government” shit, just blow past the news and go read the Executive Order itself and even more importantly, the OPM and OMB guidance on implementation. The media will run with what the White House or Elon says, the details will be very different. Remember that this is a group that claimed they “had the military turn on the faucet to send water from the PNW to California.”
  18. I am always amazed at how much stock people put into a politician or admin’s ability to do press briefings and shit. It’s almost like years and years of butt-chugged right wing propaganda has made people believe that “politics and policy” is stuff that you watch on TV.
  19. A better description is “you can work from home through September 30 then lose your job.”
  20. As you work through it…it’s not a buyout, they are keeping people on payrolls and in employed status, just not requiring work. AND…..there is a federal law that employees will get back pay even if the government shuts down due to a lack of funding.
  21. Oh yeah and here is the guidance to agency heads. A special treat is that agencies can exempt positions from being eligible for this shit, but of course since this wasn’t coordinated no one knows which jobs aren’t actually eligible. It would be super fucking awkward to say you’re resigning only to be told that “actually….that offer didn’t apply for you.” https://chcoc.gov/sites/default/files/OPM Guidance Memo re Deferred Resignation Program 1-28-2025.pdf
  22. Yeah, agencies are going to flip out and that’s why this is happening before most cabinet members are confirmed and in the chair. OPM isn’t really “HR” for the whole government and even if there are layoffs and workforce restructuring OPM advises and does some back office stuff. But agencies decide where the cuts should go and have their own RIF procedures and want to be thoughtful. Even the MAGA set realizes that people and resources are power and they are going to want to help control that process. Elon has a limited time period to break shit and he’s doing that and will not own the consequences. It would be super dumb to reply that you accept the offer before your actual employer walks through what this means.
  23. There’s no severance pay. The offer is just to stay on payroll and get reassigned to admin leave or no duties. There’s some vague statements that a resignation date can be effective before 30 September but they make it clear that you’re still officially an employee. Should also note that any employee on administrative leave can have that canceled and be told to come back at any time. Again— you’re really putting faith in this system to not ratfuck you if you accept.
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