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956 Worldwide

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Everything posted by 956 Worldwide

  1. My wife picked out this movie and it has the most shit soundtrack I’ve ever heard, it’s like they put the anti-Scorsese on the task.
  2. The dude is posting mall ninja shit. It’s actually really sad, and his entire public persona is evidence of being an awkward kid with a distant father.
  3. This one gang keeps asking Elon to join because he’s good with a bo staff.
  4. People have vapes and edibles if they just need to get mellow through the day (separate convo). The demographic blazing all day in public spaces is doing it precisely because it’s antisocial which is why it needs to be ruthlessly suppressed and not humored.
  5. It’s crazy how we as a society had about 25 years where our public spaces didn’t smell like shit all the time from people smoking narcotics and now the places that were first to clamp on obnoxious cigarette smoke just decided that weed is fine. The libertarian just flies from my body when I have to small it in parks and outside buildings all fucking day. Time to embark on an ostracism campaign like with cigs.
  6. Here’s Ana conflating actual reporting with whatever he’s found from the chud/sewer levels of the internet. As I said.
  7. Not familiar with Ana’s oeuvre? Easily the most maliciously Kremlin-aligned actor we have here.
  8. Yeah, the insta weddings would be different but in all honesty a deployment wedding to a girl from Rzesow is much likely to work out better than a pre-deployment special to some townie from Killeen.
  9. I wouldn’t go so far as likable. He’s a bowl of congealed tapioca pudding against literal turd sandwiches.
  10. I loved Warsaw, it’s a really tough call whether I enjoyed living there or in Prague more. A lot of expats and foreigners are rightfully charmed by Krakow but Warsaw is just much more livable and real. I enjoyed living with Poles, I found them generous, funny, big-hearted, and romantic. I think Polish and Slovak women are the most beautiful in the world. Sort of a cultural anecdote— I knew one of the people from the H&M department store who opened the first branch in Warsaw. They followed the template they had used in Moscow for inventory, etc. Hard to believe but Russia was once seen as at least an equal target for expansion as Poland. They opened and their numbers weren’t as good as they hoped. They brought in some Polish women and quickly realized they needed to lower hemlines a bit, bring in more earth tones, scale back the glitter makeup. Not to say that Polish women don’t turn heads and dress sexy but it’s just more restrained than the “East Euro” image. I knew very few single guys who didn’t marry a Polish wife and the relationships usually worked out really well.
  11. Three years old today. I was reluctant and now I’m the dad who didn’t want the dog. He does lots of sleeping on my lap during the game and helping me grill.
  12. Cheery pubs with brass fittings and people are for the good-natured Czechs and Slovaks. Farther east and north, it’s just clear whiskey wherever you are and hope you don’t pass out into a snowbank. If I’d been a painter, I’d have done a series of Volga winter still life’s from my time in Russia— empty vodka bottles and mandarin peels frozen to a park bench.
  13. When I lived in Warsaw (a place where drinking is less of an occupation than a vocation), I lived down the block from a grocery. We’d had our first kid and nights mornings were hectic, I’d stop by lots of mornings and grab a pastry on my way to work. Often I’d see this well-put together woman close to retirement age, in winter with a fur coat, and she’d always rasp to the checkout girl “just four of my little red-headed children” in grandmotherly but gravelly Polish. The girl would hand over four airline bottles of red-topped bottom shelf Polish wódka, slug one at the checkout lane, and drop the others in her purse with a clink.
  14. It came on strong for me in the past year. I’d have leftovers from a weekend six pack but on Monday I’d start the week feeling like hammered dog crap. No longer worth it.
  15. 10 drinks a day is completely befuddling to me and it’s hard to comprehend that 10 percent of Americans are living that way. I’m in my forties and this year I started noticing that I would feel like shit after two beers with the grill on a weekend. I cut it out completely from November through the New Year and noticed a real boost in general feeling. I won’t stay tee-totaling but don’t plan to go back to even most weekends. I swing by the “I’m an alcoholic” thread every so often and I have nothing but admiration for all of you taking this kind of thing on and helping others through.
  16. I don’t want to hear shit about alcohol until I never have to smell weed in public again. I’m in favor of a two-pronged approach where you’re allowed to do whatever you want behind closed doors, but you are sunk to the bottom of the ocean if you bake in public. I should also be allowed to pour pine-sol over you if you reek and are sitting next to me on a plane, subway, etc.
  17. The actual polio vaccine was created while Jonas Salk was researching at the University of Pittsburgh and was never patented, and no one tried to make a profit off of it. Not to worry because we are speed-running a polio return and I am sure that will offer some shareholder value.
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