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956 Worldwide

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Everything posted by 956 Worldwide

  1. One of the stupidest things America has done to itself is to make aspiring doctors get a first degree in something not medicine before allowing them to study medicine. Especially as student debt costs became crushing, it’s an absolutely insane practice that led to all sorts of toxic follow on effects, not least the understandable battle to keep compensation high because of the tremendous sunk costs. And of course the end result of this is getting overwhelmed with people who got subsidized education in their home countries coming in and exerting that downward pressure anyway. In most places doctor is a fairly ordinary job. Every state legislature in every state should tell their public medical schools “you’ve got three years to work with your university to figure out how to get a bright 18 year old to ‘MD’ in 5-6 years, consult with your colleagues in Europe and figure it out.”
  2. That’s a tell it’s not an English as first language account, a European would write 1.35 as 1,350. They use commas where we use decimals and vice versa. That plus a link to telegram? Likely Russian account.
  3. Enrollees in FlyX will glide through security as Neualink seamlessly screens out anyone with malign intentions. Once you are boarded and in your seat, you will be placed into Flight Mode for your safety and comfort. Enjoy scrolling X’s top accounts or your favorite podacsters like Joe Rogan, Lex Friedman, and Joe Rogan, all without any need for inflight WiFi through Neuralink technology, which will also override your need to use the bathroom or feel cramped for the duration of your flight. Premium FlyX enrollees may choose to disable X scrolling or Joe Rogan and elect to enjoy GrokSleep. Say farewell to intrusive government security theatre.
  4. Not a lot of mystery drone sightings the last few days because it’s too cloudy on the east coast to see airplanes.
  5. Yeah, that’s near the Cleveland Park metro and is also really nice in NW, just a bit more of ride on Red Line to get to the mall and stuff.
  6. I’d do DuPont or Adams Morgan. The mall area is fine but just not that fun after the buildings and museums close.
  7. It depends on what you want to do. Downtown DC is pretty sterile and most of the hotels around the mall are for lobbyists on per diem. If I were getting an AirBnb and didn’t want to spent all my time on the mall I would do something near DuPont or Adams Morgan and metro to the Mall from DuPont or U Street. If you want to go upscale Georgetown is quaint but you’ll have to take a bus or Uber elsewhere as there isn’t good metro access. If you don’t want super hip nightlife and feel like saving some cash, look for places around Clarendon, Ballston, Courthouse, Virginia Square with metro access and stay in NOVA. Good mix of bars and nice restaurants that are for DINKS and singles who don’t want the edge of DC. It’s not cool but it’s fine. DC is divided into quadrants. It ain’t the DC of the 1990s but some places remain super sketchy. In general, addresses that end in NW are fine, SW has gotten mostly better especially around Navy Yard but you should check, and NE or SE are not no-go zones but do some good checking before booking, and your locale may not be contiguous with places you want to be.
  8. Google Translate needs to add a “federal government official or spokesperson” button so that people can know when they’re being told that they’re being really stupid.
  9. It should be strongly considered when the NSC and DHS Secretary say that’s what’s going on.
  10. I love how the option of “it’s a combination of legal and normal drone flights and many more misidentified aircraft” isn’t even considered.
  11. The venn diagram of UFO grifters/believers and drone worries is basically a circle. The grifters have pivoted to this because they see an opportunity to expand the grift and hopefully overcome some of the friction inherent to being an alien kook by focusing on something more plausible. “Harmless” fringe and irrational beliefs always break quarantine and it’s our tax dollars being spent to deploy military tech to track United’s DC-NY shuttle.
  12. I mean, this discussion is absolutely revealing of how much of America thinks in binary terms: ”There have been some drone incursions into military installations and since there’s 8,000 legal drone flights per day it’s likely people have seen some. However, there’s no evidence of a mystery drone invasion on the east coast and nearly all the reported sightings appear to be regular manned aircraft.” “But you just said that drones are real.”
  13. “Can I bring a friend to your dinner party? He’s super great, charming, funny, always brings a lovely hostess gift. ”Sure, sounds great! What’s his name?” ”Bob. Oh, and he’ll take a shit on your dining room table. Just something he does!” ”What the fuck? No, he can’t come. Why would you even ask?” ”But he’s really funny!”
  14. lol, she’s been sitting around the house “crying and drinking all day.” Someone needs to explain the difference between a fiancée and wife. If a wife is doing that shit you did deep and get counseling or therapy or whatever. If a fiancée does that shit, you get her out of the house. I’ve always been mystified at how many successful athletes keep their train wreck high school girlfriends around. The whole reason you try to make money and leave town is to upgrade from whoever was available at home at 16 years old. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/travis-hunter-defends-fianc-e-144204749.html
  15. Yes, there should be no benefit of the doubt that anyone in DJT’s orbit will do the good things and not do the crazy things. There are any number of serious people DJT could have tapped to address food additives, Rx advertising, and even FDA regulatory capture without bringing in dangerous and unscientific ideology. RFK Jr was chosen because he is crazy and dangerous, not in spite of it.
  16. I don’t think they are self-conscious about the Mongol admixture so much as they are self-conscious about the supposed lost centuries under the Tatar yoke. The Russian cultural milieu has kind of swung between westernizers who what to ape the west by force and slavophiles who believe they have some special mission to spiritually enlighten the west. Right now neo-slavophilia is in fashion because Putin needs a great civilizational conflict. And on some level, it’s a motivator as Putin fears the example of a large Slavic, Orthodox nation successfully adopting western values and democracy and integrating. But the slavophilia, which was once useful as agitprop to undermine the Habsburgs, remains gibberish for the rubes.
  17. Me, traveling back in time to when my friend’s dad was downloading Netscape 1997 for homework: ”In 35 years this will make you vote to bring back polio.”
  18. While I agree the federal communication has not been awesome, they have been seriously hamstrung by irresponsible local authorities and a truly stupid situation. They train and practice all the time to effectively communicate good information during a real emergency. But over a set of perfectly normal December days, half of the eastern seaboard woke up and asked the feds to explain why everyone was freaking out over nothing. So yeah the first step was to act in good faith and dispatch some people to see if there WAS anything to flip out over. And in the interim issue a few “we are looking into it, but no cause for alarm statements. And now people are hearing directly that there’s nothing unusual so calm tf down, but they’ve had a stream of UFO kooks and grotesquely irresponsible sheriffs and mayors assuring them that they have every right to freak out until the negative is definitively proven.
  19. No, we are calling people idiots who take blurry videos of airplanes, helicopters, stars, and planets and call them a drone invasion. Mayorkas said pretty clearly that there are over 8,000 normal and legal drone flights per day using recreational and commercial systems. People are going to see those, and sometimes they will even stray into military or commercial airspace. He went on to say “we are not seeing anything unusual.” The narrative of a mysterious drone invasion in New Jersey is stupid and now people are flashing lasers at manned aircraft.
  20. There was a woman at my church when I was a kid who was mostly paralyzed from childhood polio. Sometimes we’d go to lunch at her place and my parents would “sit with her” back when people did that sort of thing. My dad would tell me about what polio used to do and be.
  21. Its just that there’s no in-between, you either get a PowerPoint made by a 24 year old or something comically immoral like “sure, we will help you find the people most likely to get addicted to smack and sell them Oxy.” Only consulting can deliver that type of bland villainy.
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