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956 Worldwide

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Everything posted by 956 Worldwide

  1. Rogan is also beefing with The View ladies because he thinks that dragons (maybe flying dinosaurs) once existed alongside people. We can’t have a normal liberal version of Rogan, he exists to make stupid people dumber.
  2. The signature DJT achievement has been turning all the scummy little implicitly transactional dealings in American government into very explicitly scummy transactional dealing.
  3. lol at resident Middle East understanders asking if Assad really killed that many women and children.
  4. Anastasis does make a really good point. What if Dr. Oz is appointed to the role, and then he also becomes both chambers of Congress and drafts and approves groundbreaking new healthcare legislation that brings Medicare to all? I will admit I did not consider that angle, really makes me rethink my stance that he has no qualifications to run a massive entitlement program.
  5. I am kind of surprised this didn’t take off. You go to Lowe’s or your contractor asks you “do you want the regular or big dick toilet for fifty bucks more?” Everyone is getting the big dick version. Even guys with really small dicks, like seven inches, they still buy the big dick version.
  6. Jaguar enshittens its logo (new is on the right). This design and the people doing it need to be shot into the sun.
  7. Oprah is part of our problem, remember “The Secret” phase. The most influential and successful woman in America told her audience “hey you should just disconnect from material reality and instead believe absolute horseshit, you’ll be happier and better off.” And we all kind of went along with it because Oprah seems pretty nice.
  8. Evergreen: https://theonion.com/you-know-now-that-i-think-about-it-settling-diplomati-1820799747/
  9. FFS people why are you arguing Doctor Oz’ policy ideas and playing into that deflection? He’s a celebrity TV doc and it doesn’t make a shit what his policy ideas are, he has no business running the nation’s largest social benefit program. “Well Bob Vila knows his way around a job site, let’s hear his ideas for HUD.” It goes all the way to the top, even if DJT had good ideas, he’s a fake boss from TV. He has no business being CINC of the global hegemon and all the people who put him there are really damn stupid. And yes, I stand by that, 48.9 percent of the adult electorate is stupid.
  10. You can get a rotisserie chicken at HEB for five bucks.; that plus potatoes, rice, maybe some greens means you can make dinner for a family of four for about 40 bucks a week and barely cook. Plenty of stuff like that out there even with overall groceries being more expensive. I don’t think people realize how limited the actual diets are of most regular people in Europe are.
  11. On the Europe vs. U.S. food prices discourse, you are all discovering that your money goes farther in places where people are much poorer than you; Americans are much wealthier than Europeans. When you visit Germany you’re visiting a nation with the per capita GDP of West Virginia. Europeans are also paying insane tax rates to subsidize their farmers’ great produce (which is indeed better). Food is much, much more expensive for Europeans than Americans.
  12. lol, it’s all just people he sees on TV. Very excited to get Dog the Bounty Hunter for US Marshal Service, Al Roker for NOAA, and Scrooge McDuck to lead the mints.
  13. Here is the new narrative. Jake gave the Ukrainians all they needed and nothing we could do would make a difference. It’s Ukraine’s fault for not feeding their future to the meat grinder like Russia. He makes me fucking sick. This piece of shit milquetoast lawyer says this shit after last night’s barrage on cities.
  14. Sean Duffy, a one time rep from Wisconsin and former DA (but most famous for being on The Real World) is leaving Fox News to take over DOT. Second anchorman cabinet nominee.
  15. Yep, and we’ve actually done this before. Back in the 1990s a kid tending his goats got shot by a Marine doing anti-drug surveillance. He was out with a rifle along the river to keep dogs and coyotes away and got blasted by a Marine he never knew was there. And that’s not to blast the Marines. They didn’t belong there. Combat units should not be deployed on American soil if there’s not combat. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/27/us/esequiel-hernandez-death-border-mexico.html
  16. I agree with you, which is why my take on his DoD plans is NOT to unleash troops against Americans. They will work to push out the competent, enshitten things, and generally defang it over time. Things they can’t control and weaponize they will just make useless.
  17. Well, the military doesn’t release how active duty votes. I’d say if you spend much time around people in uniform it’s accurate that there’s a level of conservatism but also more thoughtfulness and awareness of the importance of the job and institutions. And a corresponding reluctance to give the keys to MAGA.
  18. Haven’t seen figures for 2024 but wasn’t even close in 2020. He was more unpopular than with the general population. I would say support among officers likely even lower. https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2020/08/31/as-trumps-popularity-slips-in-latest-military-times-poll-more-troops-say-theyll-vote-for-biden/
  19. Some of ya’ll have some psycho friends. If I don’t want to feed everyone steak, I invite you over for chicken or burgers. If I have preteens or younger kids coming over I will cut a strip in half or buy some sirloins for them kids though. I do that for my own kids too.
  20. The military is uniquely unsuited for this role, which is why DJT wants to bring them in. First, it will ferret out the internal opponents and fence-sitters. A lot of the officers who might get tasked with this will just resign. Second, he wants to make the most powerful and important agency complicit. Authoritarians are well aware that this is the type of thing that can cause blowback later. He wants to ensure no one has “clean hands” and that they see MAGAs continued rule as essential to their own future. We are far down the authoritarian path.
  21. Costco prime ribeye, horseradish garlic butter and a loaded spud. Yup.
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