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956 Worldwide

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Everything posted by 956 Worldwide

  1. 71 million people who voted for the “fuck your feelings” candidate and a good chunk of them now very much want us to be concerned about their feelings. They are still angry, not happy. Craving the respect from the rest of us that you say you don’t care about, but badly want.
  2. It’s fun to self-flagellate here and agonize over whether too many feelings are hurt I guess. It is the only thing the center-left can do. It’s notable that the party that won is completely devoid of introspection or empathy. Can we stop pretending like this was some kind of policy election or adjudication of democratic economic policies. The winning candidate provided stream of conscience gibberish that revolved entirely around petty personal beefs and conspiratorial vibes. One could not be more calculating with appeal to the stupid and angry among us, and it landed precisely with that segment of the population. I am sorry that it is true, but it is: Trump supporters are stupid or bad, there isn’t another choice. The messaging problem is precisely a failure among the center-left to construct a compelling narrative of villains and idiots and to convince people they they were neither idiots or evil. We have an entire right-wing hate machine dedicated to rabidly tearing down democratic leaders (small-d) and attacking our democratic system; and we have a centrist professional media establishment dedicated to doing the same thing but coolly and analytically.
  3. There is a theory, which I subscribe to, that American Hispanics are for the most part going to get absorbed into “White” in a similar way that all the White ethnics did. It takes time and honestly only continual immigration has meant it isn’t noticed. But it’s happening.
  4. I will say one thing. I hope every fucking young man who pulled the lever for DJT has his brain melted by the male loneliness epidemic. I hope they all spend the rest of their twenties in a vape and Monster induced stupor surrounded by other fucking groypers and incels. I hope they never feel a woman’s touch or even a smile, I hope they grow old and wither away feeling like no one ever loved them. I will do my damndest to make sure my daughters do their bit in all that.
  5. Lol, no one is going to act shocked anymore. It’s what they want.
  6. We will deport some brown people.
  7. They do not all hold the same hatreds, that’s true. And while many of them are stupid, many of them are not. They are bad and think that they will benefit by allying with the stupid. But what does unite the entire Trump electorate, and GOP, is grievance. Half the country is living in comfort and yet filled with rage at the idea that someone else might have it “better.” They are furious that someone might be looking down on them. And I am looking down on them. 100 percent.
  8. America and the idea of America doesn’t exist anymore. This is what we are now. The institutions we believed were strong enough to survive an authoritarian are hollow. The future is the Washington Post. Billionaires who shape our environment acquiescing so the ignorant and angry won’t be deployed against them.
  9. And all these sites, including the Times, are reporting things like “57 percent chance of a Harris victory” in states where polls are closed. No, assholes. There is no more probability or chance, one candidate has 100 percent won and another one has zero percent won. It is completely binary, it has happened. You are saying that your forecast has a X percent chance of being right.
  10. I try to always sign different things with a different signature so that I can deny it was me later.
  11. Absolutely love this account and been wasting time all day. Police body cam audio set to MS Paint animation.
  12. Yeah, he’s got an extremely low-info fan base and has nowhere to go but outrageous now that he doesn’t have a nightly platform where he can do the two minutes hate on whatever the GOP outrage is. To attract attention he has to get more and more outlandish and is just about over his skis.
  13. You came here and posted low-effort rage bait from a groyper and are whining that the discourse isn’t up to your level.
  14. What Tucker says is bullshit, but this last piece is almost certainly not true. The Mao and Stalin regimes along probably win for pure numbers. Total population on earth wasn’t high enough to rack up those kinds of numbers until the 20th century when totalitarianism emerged. Even before that, the big numbers were rung up in Eurasia by the Mongols or the Chinese in wars almost no one besides East Asian specialists know about.
  15. I equally hate reporting votes like it’s a foot race. It’s not. It’s more like you have a bunch of boxes in a closed warehouse and you’re sorting them by color. The result is already determined once the polls close, we just don’t know it yet. No one can catch up or fall behind.
  16. One thing I hate is how election forecasting language confuses what probability and predictions and statistics mean. In fact, the Silver model shows a really, really close vote. It’s measuring how much faith we have in the poll aggregates and other models. But people’s votes are not coin flips or distributed probabilistically. In fact, one candidate has a very, very, very high chance of winning— we just don’t have good enough data to know which one due to the close race. If we could somehow ask every “planning to vote” person and tabulate the results, we’d have a super high chance of getting the winner right.
  17. Tucker is still relatively young but his brain and views are aging at a spectacular rate. I’m kind of looking forward to follow the trajectory.
  18. He’s got it as a complete coin flip with plenty of “lead” changes.
  19. That photo is almost certainly real. And you’re sharing a claim that was first made by Jackson Hinkle. Great job with your bullshit detection skills! You’re doing so good! https://amp.dw.com/en/fact-check-ai-fakes-in-israels-war-against-hamas/a-67367744 The dude you are quoting is a full-blown groyper 9/11 conspiracy theorist and you saw his tweet confirmed your bias and you ran here to post it. Your brain is getting cooked with this stuff, did you even bother to look at “Chris Brunet’s” feed? Here he is arguing that WTC 7 was a controlled demolition: https://www.aporiamagazine.com/p/essay-entry-world-trade-center-building
  20. That photo is almost certainly real. And you’re sharing a claim that was first made by Jackson Hinkle. Great job with your bullshit detection skills! You’re doing so good! https://amp.dw.com/en/fact-check-ai-fakes-in-israels-war-against-hamas/a-67367744
  21. Leveling up my game with some tacos al pastor on the rotisserie. Life-changing to do this.
  22. I haven’t been to a Chili’s in years but at one point a hill I would die on is that the Old Timer burger is a truly great burger. Has that changed?
  23. I am pair bonded and in my 40s. Not to derail the thread, but dating apps have cooked the younger generations, it’s low-key Balkanized between the sexes. Lots of people finding out the hard way that women are very choosy about who they go on a date with and men who can get dates are very choosy about who they will marry. Recipe for heartbreak. Honestly the blind date and set-up is a much better way to do things; people who see you from the outside but want the best for you are going to be a better judge of who you might get along with and realistically match with than you are.
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