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956 Worldwide

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Everything posted by 956 Worldwide

  1. Periodic reminder that the GOP actively breaks government so it can run on a platform of broken government. They are very excited to delay and obstruct disaster relief to a swing state in October so they blame the administration.
  2. This is most accurate. He has a lot in common with Trump. Archetypical fairytale Bad King who gets mad at good people who tell him he is wrong and surrounds himself with toadies who will say he is right.
  3. If you’re the wealthiest man on the planet you can hang out on a boat with 20 and thirty-something never been marrieds.
  4. They will hammer UMass and I think they’ll get by one of SC, Miss State, and Arkie. Maybe two.
  5. It’s not that brutal but there are plenty of moments.
  6. Didn’t see a thread on this; I took my younger daughter last night at it was fantastic. Chris Sanders (Lilo and Stitch, How to Train Your Dragon) directs and you get Lupita Nyongo, Mark Hamil, Pedro Pascale, Ving Rhames, and Catherine O’Hara in voice roles. This is really the first Dreamworks animation movie that rivals (and surpasses) the best of Pixar in appeal for adults and animation quality IMO. It’s not quite as good as their absolute best like Wall-E. At some moments you forget you’re watching computer and not hand-painted. Just a great movie all around, even older kids will really like it and every adult in the theatre loved it.
  7. Everyone knows I deeply celebrate every piece of ordinance that falls on Russians. I’d temper this take a bit. Just like us, the Russians treat bombs falling on forward-deployed positions thousands of miles from Russia in a conflict zone VERY differently than bombs falling on strategic bases in the homeland. Iran attacked us in Al-Assad in 2020 and we didn’t respond as if they shot missiles at Dyess. The deterrence equation is not at all the same.
  8. This makes a lot of sense. On the automation bit, I can see a good argument for a deal that ensures current union members displaced by automation are given a guaranteed path to a comparable union job; and that new jobs created by automation are union jobs. Where I can’t go is the argument for a certain number of guaranteed jobs for future generations— at that point you’re protecting the interest of the union as an institution and not actual current workers and doing so at the expense of vulnerabilities and inefficiency in critical national infrastructure.
  9. Gonna need to be some hard police work if it turns out the longshoremen are a political power in Nevada.
  10. Just trying to frame what happened— Iran launched a whole bunch of medium range liquid fueled ballistic missiles. These are among the most expensive and valuable assets available to their armed forces and a pillar of any war planning scenario they have as well as their deterrence posture. Asking “could this lead to war” is sort of like asking a woman who is not your wife mid-pump, “hey, is this a full-blown affair?”
  11. Just to frame this a bit differently, a sovereign nation launched 108 high value strategic war assets at another state’s territory. This was in response to a targeted attack on a non-state actor on the territory of a third state. Relevant also to note that the third state does not border Iran, and that Hezbollah is useful to Iran only as a platform to advance Iranian interests vis-a-vis the Palestine issue and potentially as a deterrent to keep Israel from striking back at Iran for doing— shit like this. You cannot credibly say that Iran’s core security is affected by strikes on Hezbollah. It’s even more ludicrous than claiming that Russia’s core security was affected by Ukraine battling LNR/DNR militias. Bottom line is that a 108 ballistic missile attack on a nation’s air bases IS ALREADY ALL OUT FUCKING WAR. Only in the insane discourse of Israel is there a risk of Israel “escalating” from that and in fact they are showing amazing restraint already. If Belarus launches 100 ballistic missiles at Polish defense installations no one is writing stupid headlines like “will this lead to all out war?”
  12. Was enjoying the “could my high school team beat the Aces” discourse and I am disappointed we got away from that.
  13. Yeah, I get that, I am not arguing for or against. It just seems like that union statement opens the door to getting away from that since it refers to workers with less seniority needing more pay and referencing how much/hard they work. The strict “six year ladder” seems like a seniority system the union had negotiated at one point.
  14. Disappointing, overpriced, and circular is something we’ve gotten good at via coaching searches. And this is a steal at a cost of about 4 Jimbo buyouts.
  15. But what if you have this tremendously powerful battery and the battery is now underwater and there’s a shark that’s approximately 10 yards over there? But now the battery is on fire? If there was a shark or you get electrocuted, I’ll take electrocution every single time. I’m not getting near the shark. But now what about fire or the shark?
  16. None of us really know how to do COIN it turns out, despite however many gallons of ink we have spilled. These groups can’t be destroyed but can be eroded down to be less existential. The problem is that everyone has to do something they don’t want to do and have strong stomachs: - Israel has to show a real commitment to a permanent solution that involves a state for Palestinians and an end to West Bank settlements. - The “international community” needs to ruthlessly limit what they do for Gaza— nothing beyond the absolute minimum to avoid famine and plague— until at a minimum Hamas agrees to hold elections, disarm, and renounce aims to destroy Israel. At the same time, reward better actors in WB. The humanitarian complex is toxic where terror groups dominate, outsiders provide services and jobs and completely relieve any pressure on groups like Hamas or Hezbollah to govern beyond planning attacks. - Some multinational force with the authority to disarm and destroy hold-out cells has to be created to maintain security in Gaza and maybe Southern Lebanon. Peacekeepers won’t do, it has to be seek and destroy for terrorists and security for locals. - The U.S. and Arab nations have to be wiling to bite hard when malign actors like Iran look to arm proxies, preventing weapons shipments up to and including kinetic actions on ships and airplanes. And there has to be a complete strangulation on anyone financing these groups. And there needs to be real political costs to Israel if they refuse to play along on point one. None of this will happen because there is significant inertia to just keep having war or punting the ball as opposed to taking any of these difficult actions.
  17. @Goredho’s emu story is one of the best things on the internet, +rep for quoting so I could read it again.
  18. The Freedom Party won. They are a nasty bit of business. Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, and Serbia form a pretty scary bloc of pro-Russian populist countries across the Alliance’s eastern flank— some in and some lot of NATO. Meanwhile, Viktor Orban’s political director says Hungary will surrender if Russia invades.
  19. I remember when NIL was all about “let the kids do some local car dealership commercials” and now it’s “better give $200 directly to that nickelback or he’ll find someone else who will.”
  20. Got a new rotisserie I have big plans for but decided to test run with just a whole yardbird. Roasted some potatoes, onions, garlic, bacon in a skillet underneath. Pretty, pretty, pretty good. Next time I’ll put the taters in later as a few got a bit too crispy.
  21. Lebanon has a golden opportunity to reassert state control and make real steps towards stability and democratic rule.
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