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956 Worldwide

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Everything posted by 956 Worldwide

  1. Why do I have to comply with the regulations and laws of the countries where I am doing business!!!!!!!!!!
  2. While we are debating tongue slips, Trump’s team is telling NATO we will reduce intel sharing. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/07/10/trump-considering-cutting-intel-sharing-europe-00167503 We are truly on the cusp of electing to destroy ourselves and what we’ve built.
  3. They are getting Dutch and Danish F-16s. The training coalition was announced last July. A year to get an F-16 program going is warp speed in peacetime, TBH.
  4. Elon Musk doing so, so good at taking bots offline from X. The FBI and Canadian/Dutch intelligence services seized and dismantled an X bot network that RT was using for influence operations. Exploiting AI. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-leads-efforts-among-federal-international-and-private-sector-partners
  5. Today the FBI and Canadian/Dutch intelligence services seized and dismantled an X bot network that RT was using for influence operations. Exploiting AI. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-leads-efforts-among-federal-international-and-private-sector-partners
  6. That phrase plus the sketch “game dog” site registered in the Czech Republic means that they are doing exactly what they’re bred to do. The ancestry info up top is also a give always. Those are being bred to fight.
  7. Grilled squid and head-on shrimp Greek style with a side of potato salad. Slammed and went hard.
  8. There is no way to accurately say how big the shark was based on people looking out from the beach. I am with you in that it was almost for sure a bull shark and probably not close to 12 feet long. Bull sharks going after bait fish bite surfers and waders all the time. But yeah, there are easily 12 foot long hammerheads and Tiger sharks lurking out there. https://www.mysanantonio.com/lifestyle/travel-outdoors/article/Texas-man-catches-12-foot-tiger-shark-at-South-13153089.php https://www.foxnews.com/lifestyle/wild-chase-leads-texas-angler-catch-massive-hammerhead-shark.amp
  9. Shark and snek are both misunderstood. Go get in the water!
  10. Haven’t seen so, although it got caught on film and by a drone. I would bet money it’s likely a bull shark or maybe a tiger shark. It was the same one that bit several people. It’s going to be hard to find the exact one if they didn’t get it that day, there’s lots of good-sized sharks out there. I remember being down there when a record lemon shark got brought in, which is a type that almost never bites but it’s still really sobering to see what’s out there with you.
  11. I think it’s been since the 60s. That said, the waters off of SPI all the way up to Corpus is full of vey big sharks and it’s nothing unusual to see or catch them. Tigers, bulls, makos, lemon sharks.
  12. My folks told me that some sharks got in between the sandbars and the beach and were feeding on mullet, really cloudy and murky water and some people got bit. Super wild, I’ve even gone shark fishing from the beach but can’t remember an attack.
  13. Technology is a tool and not an actor, the actors remain people. It is always a mistake to say that it can’t happen here because we are different. I spent a solid chunk of the mid-2000s consolidation of Putinism in Russia and its periphery and it was not brutality that broke the Russian society, it was the illusion of normalcy and targeting of the “wrong people”— the elites, the corrupt, the opposition politicians— and the slow creep of apathy and material comfort that did them in. The MAGA electorate’s sympathies and the rhetoric directed at it is eerily similar to Putinism, Orbanism, or for that matter Xi-thought. Authoritarianism is like Leach’s Air Raid, it’s the same few plays run out of different formations giving the illusion of a complex system. And the solution is always to hit the fucking QB in the mouth.
  14. Everything you just wrote describes 21st century Russian society—- “the good Russians,” no less— perfectly. Do you think most of them love Putin and get hard for beating up protestors and jailing gay people? No— they just want to be left alone and will go along to get along.
  15. I am on board with most of this but completely against the last point as I have argued multiple times here. We limit POTUS because of the extraordinary power that office holds but it is anti-democratic and weakens the legislature to introduce term LM limits. The single best check we have on unfettered executive power and unhinged extremism will always be long-serving legislators who are insulated from pressure due to their base of support in home districts. It is a feature and not a bug that they can dig in against the executive and party leadership.
  16. There is no fixing this. Look, I’ve got well over a decade of experience around the world with political systems and how they work and don’t work. I can’t suggest that there are not better and worse ways to organize a government— there certainly are. There are laws that are better written and worse written and systems more open or less open to exploration. But you cannot law or politic your way out of the problem of malign actors with significant support. Our system is designed to restrain political actors and electorates with good intentions from going too far. It is not designed to defeat bad-intentioned political actors and electorates. Why didn’t Britain go fascist during the War? It wasn’t their ancient institutions or laws. It was the simple fact that the British people did not want to be fascist. They could be many things— imperialist, bigoted, stubborn, pompous— but fascism wasn’t in the cards. Nothing can save a country from people who have given up on good intentions.
  17. All officers swear to defend the constitution, so do lots of civilians. If we are at the stage where it’s “we can trust the military and feds to be ethical” then it’s over. We are cooked, presidential republic bros. The revolution was a mistake. The Brits have a sovereign with full immunity but no power and all their political leaders can actually be held responsible. This year Biden needs to call Charles and offer to come back. Hand over a few of the most incorrigible rebels to be locked in the tower in exchange for representation in parliament and a couple decades where the sovereign can order a reelection if we choose any unacceptable ministers.
  18. We are destroying our republic not for a Caesar or Napoleon or even a Lenin but for Donald Fucking Trump. Even the Norks had two dear leaders before they got someone as embarrassing and fat as the current big special boy.
  19. He needs to announce that he’s pardoning Hunter lol.
  20. As I understand it, a POTUS can announce in his SOTU on television that he raped and murdered someone and that statement can’t be introduced in court. WTF are we doing as a country anymore.
  21. He won’t. SCOTUS just made Biden the most powerful president in history and no one is the least bit concerned that he will behave any differently.
  22. Buying appointments as well. We already do that, of course, just now we can skip the “campaign contribution” pretense.
  23. What’s remarkable about this ruling is how utterly non-concerned SCOTUS and the legislature and the chattering class is that the current center-left POTUS might abuse it and begin breaking laws. It belies all of the noise about woke dictatorship and Democrat federal overreach. It simply never occurred to any of them that a non-GOP president might try to break laws with immunity and so they celebrate it. It really gives lie to who they are.
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