This is, frankly, a limited and completely retrofitted history and it’s always been designed to retcon Jews into “white Europeans” so they can be safely vilified.
The Ashenkazi emerged in Europe in the Middle Ages as Jews from across the former Empire fled to places more willing to welcome them, often at the instigation of a local monarch or royal. Unsurprisingly a dialect emerged to adapt to their surroundings. Genetically Ashenkazi Jews are mostly Levantine and Southern/Eastern Mediterranean (not Germanic/Slav/Scandinavian), which is entirely consistent with the Jewish diaspora, originally Israelite, which got scattered across Rome. Framing the Mediterranean populations as “white” or “not white” is completely incomprehensible historically and is only a thing because of 19th century “scientific racism” (to whom the Mediterranean peoples were suspiciously non-White) and now modern identity politics (who made the distinction based on who has allegedly persecuted whom).
For that matter, don’t scratch too deeply at Palestinian and other Levantine Arabs because it turns out that plenty of Greeks and Italians managed to find their way into that gene pool as well. Turns out the Pax Romana had long-lasting effects. All of which is irrelevant to who has a “right” to the land, it’s amazing how easy people slide to literal “blood and soil” arguments when it suits their priors.