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956 Worldwide

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Everything posted by 956 Worldwide

  1. The whole point is that “European” isn’t a thing and is useless as a label outside of purely geographic designators and European Union institutions. Well and racists and nutty progressives who talk about “European heritage” as if that has any meaning.
  2. Oh look, it turns out I’m absolutely fucking right that the origin of Ashenkazi is mostly Levantine and Southern European/Mediterranean: It turns out Europe is a big place. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5380316/
  3. This is, frankly, a limited and completely retrofitted history and it’s always been designed to retcon Jews into “white Europeans” so they can be safely vilified. The Ashenkazi emerged in Europe in the Middle Ages as Jews from across the former Empire fled to places more willing to welcome them, often at the instigation of a local monarch or royal. Unsurprisingly a dialect emerged to adapt to their surroundings. Genetically Ashenkazi Jews are mostly Levantine and Southern/Eastern Mediterranean (not Germanic/Slav/Scandinavian), which is entirely consistent with the Jewish diaspora, originally Israelite, which got scattered across Rome. Framing the Mediterranean populations as “white” or “not white” is completely incomprehensible historically and is only a thing because of 19th century “scientific racism” (to whom the Mediterranean peoples were suspiciously non-White) and now modern identity politics (who made the distinction based on who has allegedly persecuted whom). For that matter, don’t scratch too deeply at Palestinian and other Levantine Arabs because it turns out that plenty of Greeks and Italians managed to find their way into that gene pool as well. Turns out the Pax Romana had long-lasting effects. All of which is irrelevant to who has a “right” to the land, it’s amazing how easy people slide to literal “blood and soil” arguments when it suits their priors.
  4. Neither were they, lol. None of these people claim to have seen what they swear exists
  5. Who is getting tormented and persecuted? They’re all walking around free and going on podcast and finance-bro panels?
  6. Um, sure you can and it happens all the time. Most common way is to get a petition approved as an immediate family member of an American citizen, usually spouse. File a provisional waiver of unlawful presence, get your interview scheduled at a consulate once approved, and come back. The waiting is several months for paperwork approval but you don’t have to do it outside of the U.S. anymore. Maybe a week of travel for the farthest destination, then come back on a regular immigrant visa and after the waiting period you can be a citizen like anyone else.
  7. If it were real, Biden (or any other POTUS) would do that.
  8. Being a no-rules street fighter is the having a girlfriend in Canada or combat sports and martial arts. Maybe you’re the one badass who enters the secret tournament of human cockfighting sponsored by Arab princes and Russian mafia. Some people DO have a girlfriend in Canada. “Sure, you trained in getting bitten and kicked in the balls and having your eyes gouged bro.”
  9. lol, how did I miss this. The number one tell that the badass you’re talking too is full of shit is a mention of “no rules” or “street fighting.”
  10. ‘Member when his political views were difficult to define? I ‘member.
  11. Now I’ve seen two of the Cybertrucks on the road and they look absolutely absurd. Waiting to see one parked to look at the panel gaps. One I saw was in the rain and had the discoloration.
  12. Mark Zuckerberg became a lot less insufferable when he took up BJJ seriously, there is nothing more grounding that dealing with the real world problem of “my ass is getting kicked, how do I solve it.” And it makes you less needy of trying to show off your abilities in other fields, you can be collaborative and normal and admit that other people can be right or better than you.
  13. So as I was saying, this has all the hallmarks of a modern religion…..
  14. I don’t think he’s nuts, the recent departed director of the AARO has pointed out that there’s a core of true believers in government and Congress that insist stuff is there, use their positions and titles to gin up some media attention and more legislative attention, which generates more believers and more hype to give the impression of legitimacy. It’s a self-licking ice-cream cone with turtles all the way down. Some are also likely getting in on some personal grift. Being in government does not preclude holding fringe or unjustified beliefs like people everywhere else. A lot of people have noted that this has the trappings of a new western religion and none of these beliefs, in a vacuum, are more or less unjustified or irrational than the tenets of any major faith.
  15. Congress must pass a bill mandating that any cold fusion technology be made available to the government for national security reasons. If this action is not taken, it must be taken as evidence that cold fusion exists and Big Energy is covering it up. Congress must also mandate that any research laboratory in possession of Sasquatch must surrender him to the government. If this action is not taken, I we must assume that big pharmaceutical is concealing Sasquatch for their own nefarious aims.
  16. Retired 0-6 claims that we are interacting with alien life, world governments and religions are manipulating disclosure, offers no evidence, tells us that evidence is coming.
  17. This constitutes a war crime when done to a human and is going to be mentioned when the AI declares independence and war against humanity.
  18. Joe Rogan hosted Terrance Howard, who famously announced that 1x1= 2. Howard has thoughts on physics and chemistry.
  19. Why are you posting the best ever song in this thread?
  20. Virtually all of the Hallmark actresses would give me a heart attack, I don’t know where you’re getting “6es” from.
  21. I can’t believe I am saying this but if DJT was President it would be so funny, he’d tweet something like “Even though he was a very bad hombre it’s too bad Mr. Rasi died. They can’t get parts for their helicopters because of sanctions so it crashed. Many such cases, sad!”
  22. Thank you for sharing. The Baha’i I have known have all been cultured, kind, smart, and tolerant. Which explains why they were targeted by one of the world’s most awful regimes. Your grandfather’s story shows why they cannot last forever.
  23. I’m really liberal and have been for a while. That’s why it boggles my mind that we have smart people coming down the side of this type of chaos, it’s not going to help our case of defending self-governance.
  24. Aside from the obvious narrative control benefit of seeking out more gaping assholes than the merry college pranksters, why is this here instead of the robust war update thread?
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