I’m not really super interested in correcting ratios or conspicuous consumption; I’m concerned with raising the floors above the basement for everyone. Getting upset about someone else having “obscene” wealth is meaningless in a vacuum, it’s just jealousy— reminded of experiments where monkeys are fine eve both monkeys get one treat each, but then they lose their shit if one monkey gets two treats and the other monkey gets four. Wealth only becomes obscene when there are people can’t afford the fundamentals while a few others have private jets.
If we could build a society where everyone had clean and safe housing, ample healthy food, access to medical care when sick that won’t bankrupt you, education for all and excellent education for any who can handle it, clean air and water, safe cities and neighborhoods—-then great, I’m fine with a tax rate of zero and accumulation of infinite billions for anyone who can do it.
In practice, it’s not possible and I’m fine for a balance where taking risks and innovating is rewarded while at the same time ensuring that the risk of failure or simply choosing to pursue an ordinary life does not mean catastrophe.