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956 Worldwide

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Everything posted by 956 Worldwide

  1. I’ll try to stay away from notorious clickbait farm (checks notes) “The Guardian.”
  2. I do not give a shit about “fair” when it comes to wealth, I give a shit about quality of life for citizens and outcomes. If tomorrow I could wave a wand, and 320 million Americans had the lifestyle and opportunities of someone who makes 500k per year while 10 million Americans made 1,000 percent more and all had diamond crusted shitters, I’d call that a win. I have a problem with rising CEO compensation only as it creates bad outcomes and not because of some idea of cosmic unfairness. I think we should try to calculate the cost of doing what we want to do to provide people with a dignified life and then go collect the taxes to pay for it because I don’t see how setting a “income limit” gets us there.
  3. So basically, it’s just “vibes are off.” Here is the question and the responses (all adults vs. Millenials). As you can see it’s “not sure” that is the big problem. I find it interesting that your go-to was “agenda and/or the poll must be bad” before bothering to dig into it more. https://www.claimscon.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Holocaust-Knowledge-and-Awareness-Study-–-Topline-Results-1-1.pdf Here is the firm that did the research. https://schoencooperman.com
  4. My solution is to increase taxes on the wealthy and use them to pay for things like house and food and education and medicine and pensions. Where did you get a different idea?
  5. They do have an agenda and I’ve worked closely with them. They’re quite good. What agenda did you think they had? I am pretty confident that if in 2020 had claimed or suggested that a well known organization dedicated to returning Jewish property stolen during the Holocaust was ginning up sham polls about Holocaust education, your eyebrows would have raised. You might have even wondered about my own motivation for suggesting it. But after October 23 you rolled right into that theory. Easiest thing in the world and seems right to talk about. You’re telling on yourself more than the data or organziation. The methodology was 450 landline, 450 mobile, and 450 online non-paid, FWIW and you can read the question for yourself.
  6. I’m sorry you’re not familiar with the long history of making policy to achieve defined and pragmatic outcomes vs. making policy to achieve ideological and moralistic outcomes.
  7. No, it wasn’t but keep on looking. You’re a smart person and I keep being surprised at how badly you’re seeking to reject data that you don’t like on this issue. https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2020/sep/16/holocaust-us-adults-study Again, look at the date.
  8. Put into practice it’s the pedantic distinction between East Germany and Norway.
  9. For sure, the youth are killing it by fracturing consensus reality, I’m sure it’s a cause to celebrate. (Check the date on this, too).
  10. Well, but you’ve just done a bait and switch from a deontological argument (it’s morally wrong to allow massive wealth accumulation) to a consequentialist one (it’s wrong to allow massive wealth accumulation because it leads to undesirable and unavoidable outcomes). I am not with you on the first but even said I am with you on the second in my post. I am fine—embrace even— taxation and redistribution of wealth to ensure that everyone can lead a dignified life and have the opportunity to flourish, innovate, and take risks. I am not fine with simply pursuing some ratio of equality for its own sake because we have ample evidence that will end in disaster and because simply achieving an ideal equality ratio is no guarantee you get the things I do value— a dignified and flourishing life, etc.
  11. I’m not really super interested in correcting ratios or conspicuous consumption; I’m concerned with raising the floors above the basement for everyone. Getting upset about someone else having “obscene” wealth is meaningless in a vacuum, it’s just jealousy— reminded of experiments where monkeys are fine eve both monkeys get one treat each, but then they lose their shit if one monkey gets two treats and the other monkey gets four. Wealth only becomes obscene when there are people can’t afford the fundamentals while a few others have private jets. If we could build a society where everyone had clean and safe housing, ample healthy food, access to medical care when sick that won’t bankrupt you, education for all and excellent education for any who can handle it, clean air and water, safe cities and neighborhoods—-then great, I’m fine with a tax rate of zero and accumulation of infinite billions for anyone who can do it. In practice, it’s not possible and I’m fine for a balance where taking risks and innovating is rewarded while at the same time ensuring that the risk of failure or simply choosing to pursue an ordinary life does not mean catastrophe.
  12. Put it in the space that’s been eaten up by the brainworm.
  13. In England escheatment only occurred if the land-holder died without heirs or committed a felony. If it was a feudal felony, it reverted to the overlord and if it was treason it reverted to the Crown. The inheritance to the estate followed primogeniture. The law of wills allowed you to bypass primogeniture and leave two-thirds to anyone you named in a will. But before that estates didn’t automatically return to the crown upon death, and this was the whole reason nobles of all stripes obsessed over having male sons. It’s not a terrible idea to bring back a modified form of this— allow you to leave it property to certain defined relatives that you may choose, or things like charities that you don’t control and to levy a 1/3 tax across the board. The practice of leaving things in trust to cats or to your foundation that then pays your kids’ salaries is not an engine of economic vigor.
  14. Anyway, the protestors do not like her because she’s Israeli, I don’t like her because she sang in occupied Crimea in 2016. We are not the same.
  15. Y’all do understand that “countries” don’t enter Eurovision, certain broadcasters that are either full or associate members of the European Broadcasting Union enter Eurovision? Start there and then you can ask the questions about “who gets to play” more in a more productive way. The confluence of the world’s single stupidest competition and the Israel war is making otherwise smart people lose the plot. And Bolverk, I don’t know what point you’re trying to make but “protesting the participation of an Israeli network as a sign of disapproval of the broadcasting state of Israel” is a far more coherent and ethically sound proposition than “protesting the inclusion of this specific Israeli person.” I don’t think you’re supporting the protesters like you think you are here.
  16. Ana firmly denies the existence and efficacy of Russian disinformation networks and propaganda but super concerned about potential Polish propaganda, we’re at the absolute peak here.
  17. BJJ is legit, I’m very much just getting to know it although I have some background in boxing as another combat sport. You can train full speed and full strength. It is a sport and like any combat sport it’s not designed for a “real fight.” Plenty of things in BJJ are extremely useful in a self-defense scenario. And the experience I have training matches BabaYagas, cool and chill people who just like to train and share knowledge. Anytime I hear about “winning” “real/street fights” my eyes roll in my head. There’s really not scenarios where you “win” a real fight and it’s not something non-criminal humans should be concerned with. Self-defense is about ending a fight and getting in a better place and BJJ offers a lot of that, like how to get yourself off the ground when you don’t want to be there, how to place some aggressive asshole on the ground quick so you can leave, or how to get drunk Uncle Steve who has gotten out of hand in a place to rethink what he’s doing at the reunion. It gets you comfortable with contact and helps you not panic if things escalate. It’s not for continuing that scenario and “winning” the fight. These are the most likely scenarios of self-defense, not squaring up with some other trained fighter outside somewhere. Self-defense is not about winning fights. If you get sucker punched and never see it coming you’re fucked no matter what you trained. If you get jumped by several guys who want to stomp you, you’re fucked. If someone has a knife or gun, you’re most likely fucked. In those scenarios the best and only option is the nearest exit and space. If you’re the type of asshole who wants to get into and “win” real fights on the street, then you belong in jail and not the gym. Just get yourself some brass knuckles or a knife because the type of people you’ll be “fighting” don’t have any scruples. “Real fights”’are just bullshit.
  18. The PLF, which was active within the PLO executive committee, hasn’t been delisted even as its activities have dwindled to almost nothing. It’s still been considered a small faction within the PLO. It may be time to rewrite or repeal the law. I am curious why an enterprising squad member hasn’t made the attempt to at least start the debate (maybe one has but I missed it.)
  19. It was passed back in 1990 because Congress voted for it. They don’t want the PLO (so, not actually Palestine) to be recognized. The PLO remains the official de jure government of Palestine.
  20. There is a congressional mandate, statutory law, that requires the United States to immediately pull all funding from the UN if Palestine is admitted as a member. We are, of course, the single largest donor. There a lot more here than meets the eye and the president can’t do as much as you want him to.
  21. The Mormons don’t believe in the pre-Trib rapture anyway. But they do believe in the Second Coming and that we are in the end times. The devil is in the details on what the term means. Same problem when you ask Muslims about the Sharia.
  22. Go peddle anti-Ukraine garbage on Truth Social.
  23. Reminds me of a story, a guy gives a speech as he ends his presidency of the local Rotary Club. He gives an inspiring stemwinder about making your way, wearing out shoe leather, and building something yourself. “When I arrived in town 45 years ago, all I had was in a paper bag and the clothes on my back!” The speech wraps up and it’s question time. “Sir, can you tell us what was in the paper bag?” ”400k in cash and 2.5 million in bonds. And a few hundred thousand in stocks..”
  24. Stalin once said “Кадры решают всё,” the cadres/personnel decide everything. To that I would add: personnel, procurement, and provision IS policy. The types of bombs you provide or procure matter and demonstrate what your policy is. Or what your policy can ever be. Cue Anastasis to explain why understanding bombs is ghoulish.
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