Sorry, @TwiceHorn, this is a bit of a mishmash and it’s mostly because of the development of “Evangelical” into a near epithet.
Evangelical is a theological definition and historic tradition that is defined by the centrality of evangelism (preaching and sharing the Gospel message), a belief in a personal conversion experience, and the authority of the Bible. By any stretch almost all Methodism falls into this category, and John Wesley is universally recognized as a leading, foundational evangelical thinker. There are conservative, liberal, and even progressive strains within evangelicalism. Independent congregetional church governance is not core to evangelical theology in tradition or practice and plenty of more organized denominations fall into the broad evangelical tent.
Congregational church governance is organizational although it may have some theological groundings. Most churches organized on these lines happen to fall within the evangelical big tent, but it’s not synonymous. Some groups like the churches of Christ will dispute that they are evangelical at all due to more sacramental understandings of baptism and communion although they developed in the general evangelical intellectual ferment.
Fundamentalism is a specific view of the Bible, with the “fundamental” being that the Bible is inspired, infallible, and inerrant. Most fundamentalist churches happen to be both evangelical and congregational but not all of them, there exist more formally organized fundamentalist groups as well as fundamentalist groups that co-exist within larger conservative but non-fundamentalist bodies. Almost all the “let’s speed up the end times” folks DO fall into the “fundamentalist evangelical” group but the big evangelical tent is much, much broader.