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956 Worldwide

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Everything posted by 956 Worldwide

  1. One of the things we need to understand is that the Founding Fathers’ shitty ideas about democracy was not driven by a fear of women and minority voters. They lacked the foresight to comprehend such a thing, you might as well have asked them to contemplate social media when drafting 1A. No, the founders feared extending the franchise to backwards and shiftless white men.
  2. Sorry, @TwiceHorn, this is a bit of a mishmash and it’s mostly because of the development of “Evangelical” into a near epithet. Evangelical is a theological definition and historic tradition that is defined by the centrality of evangelism (preaching and sharing the Gospel message), a belief in a personal conversion experience, and the authority of the Bible. By any stretch almost all Methodism falls into this category, and John Wesley is universally recognized as a leading, foundational evangelical thinker. There are conservative, liberal, and even progressive strains within evangelicalism. Independent congregetional church governance is not core to evangelical theology in tradition or practice and plenty of more organized denominations fall into the broad evangelical tent. Congregational church governance is organizational although it may have some theological groundings. Most churches organized on these lines happen to fall within the evangelical big tent, but it’s not synonymous. Some groups like the churches of Christ will dispute that they are evangelical at all due to more sacramental understandings of baptism and communion although they developed in the general evangelical intellectual ferment. Fundamentalism is a specific view of the Bible, with the “fundamental” being that the Bible is inspired, infallible, and inerrant. Most fundamentalist churches happen to be both evangelical and congregational but not all of them, there exist more formally organized fundamentalist groups as well as fundamentalist groups that co-exist within larger conservative but non-fundamentalist bodies. Almost all the “let’s speed up the end times” folks DO fall into the “fundamentalist evangelical” group but the big evangelical tent is much, much broader.
  3. It’s incredible, they’ve lost more KIA than we did in all of Vietnam in TWO YEARS. The bill is like .005 of our GDP and a very angry Anastasis. This is the best investment we’ve made since the Marshall Plan.
  4. I mostly agree with you but 100 years from now we won’t remember what party won the 100 whatever Congress. We will remember how Ukraine laid waste to the Russian armed forces using second hand NATO compatible gear. Whatever it takes, keep the eye on the prize. Stacked Russian bodies.
  5. Go on but please focus on “dumping buckets of chum.” Slowly plz.
  6. The Cougar High thing brought the LULZ. This is the lamest shit ever. The cops are doing TikToks. I repeat that the kids are not bringing the revolution. They need to read up on Budyonny’s 1st Cavalry Army. They can’t even do “murderous anti-Semitic pinko revolutionary” correctly.
  7. Dear GOP voters, you may think RFK Jr. is bad because worms ate his brains and left behind cheesecloth. He’s actually bad because he’s a lib. MAGA!!!
  8. We had some good news tonight so it became a steak night. I think the best thing I did to up my steak game was experiment with compound butters. This moves a home grilled steak from “awesome” to “never go to a steakhouse again.” Prime ribeye with anchovy-chive-garlic butter, charred asparagus, and ancho-lime basted corn.
  9. Eh, the aid package to Ukraine and Taiwan is huge, potential generational impacts in preserving a world favorable to the United States and democracy. The Dems should lean into this. Pick 1-2 issues with broad bipartisan backing and tell Johnson “we’ve got you until mid-September” then we kick your ass. There‘a no putting Marge on a leash but maybe there is a window to use Johnson’s ego and desire to hold on to the advantage of the country.
  10. The other reason that they need all these orgs is because once the leadership of New York Slippery Rock chapter of “Students for Palestinian Freedom” gets rolled up for sending chapter dues to Hezbollah or some shit, they just roll right into the already registered “Students for Freedom in Palestine.” There’s been some real naivety, willful at times, about WTF is going on here.
  11. I don’t know how to tell you this but UT Austin does not need half a dozen student orgs dedicated to Palestine and neither does any campus. These are not real organizations, they are absolutely fake organizations all tied to about 3 national ones that are astroturfed because having a half dozen looks better on your letterhead and Instagram account. Those same 3-4 real organizations are a mix of the typical hard-left “all roads lead to communism” and mixed in with some genuine “we have to let other people do our banking because of the terrorism.” That’s not to say a lot of the students aren’t genuine in their stance and protests, but please don’t be so naive to think all this broke out spontaneously and that every college campus has 7 real pro-Palestinian orgs with near identical names.
  12. The Democrats need to write up a bill for 500 billion dollars and small tactical nukes for Ukraine and then tell Johnson that if he doesn’t let it up for a vote they’ll go tell Marge to file another motion they can vote for.
  13. Moscow Marge just introduced coalition politics into the American system.
  14. GWU is an urban campus and I the encampment was off visible areas from the street. In any case, DC police came and cleared it out today after Congress threatened to make the mayor come testify. GWU had been asking for police help but the city had demurred to take action.
  15. These kids are not bringing the Revolution.
  16. It’s an older code, but it checks out. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/26/world/asia/china-tiger-attack-woman-killed.html
  17. There’s something to be said about having the value of your degree raise but let’s be real, if you are giving a Ted Talk your degree now has nothing to do with your marketability. A decade after school and no one gives a shit. That name degee will get you your first and maybe second job interview. As long as it’s real and from an accredited school, that is one line at the bottom of your cv.
  18. The foreign student to university pipeline gets less warm and fuzzy the deeper you scratch at it. State legislators get foreigners to fund schools. University administrators get feted and donated to by entities like PRC and Qatar. You get a captive labor pool for labs and teaching that have to have university support to maintain their visas. Everyone gets ahead except for a state resident who sees their spot given to an apparatchik or sheikh’s kid. They will all kick and scream and claim that this is needed to be competitive. The simple fact is that we have 330 million people in this country and more than enough talent to fill our top universities. We don’t to it because we don’t want to collectively pay to do that, we’d prefer to collectively pay a bit less to provide the infrastructure to foreign adversaries.
  19. My favorite part was the little foot stomp on the way over. Apparently the wife got mauled, the second person who got out was her mother who got killed trying to save her. LOL?
  20. @SydneyCarton is absolutely correct on this. It’s also a real national security issue to have our top research facilities dependent on funding from authoritarian states and their citizens. Education was never meant to be a business, it’s meant to be an affordable service that is offered to citizens of Texas. FWIW we should absolutely make private school endowments taxable if they don’t meet an enrollment to endowment ratio.
  21. Belief that we are in the end times is not a good barometer for belief in the pre-millennial rapture theology you get from Kirk Cameron. A good amillenial who thinks that Revelation and the thousand years is meant to be taken symbolically would tell you we’re already in “Revalations” and would have absolutely zero to say about the modern state of Israel. @Mole is right, there are some shrinking circles here down from “evangelical” to “premillennial dispensationlist” to “places end times theology at the core of belief and practice” and finally to “believes we can do something to speed it up or down.” It’s not fringe, exactly, but it isn’t mainstream by a long shot even among self-identifying Evangelicals.
  22. Can’t wait till we have to trade a dirty bomb maker named “Vasya the Defenestrator” for this dipshit.
  23. Boss move would be to review the investments and then purchase 7k more worth of Lockheed. The whole divest movement is just a transparent attempt to justify a temper tantrum, the vast majority of these schools just own some index funds. The IDF is in no way dependent on American university investors.
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