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956 Worldwide

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Everything posted by 956 Worldwide

  1. It’s not a scientific formula, just pointing out that the Finsta and public account mostly used for following and very rare active posting is a thing. They don’t use it like those of us who got Facebook with an .edu address did, it’s cringe to post a bunch of photos and stuff about yourself unless it’s highly curated because you’re trying to be a creator or influencer or something. Anyway this is mostly orthogonal to the discussion.
  2. Someone at the Columbia protest has a bright future making DoD slide decks. There is really weird overlap and interplay between activist speak, HR speak, and biz school process mapping gibberish, I’ve noticed. Total cultural domination by the MBA set.
  3. Dumb AF, and also with the dog. Take him to sale barn or slaughter and freezer him if it’s that big of a problem but “go the gravel pit and shoot him twice cause you messed it up the first time” is psycho behavior. Sometimes country people do have put down dogs for killing livestock, usually getting in with newborn calves, lambs, and goats. Killing a purebred wire haired pointer for killing chickens is nuts. “We have a dog that’s not cut out for the working life, does anyone in town want a pet” is the solution.
  4. I agree with Helobious on this, many Gen Z folks are on social media but mostly listening. They’ll have an Insta page with maybe three photos and a few stories that they use to follow everyone, then have a small private page with a nickname where they post uncurated stuff for close friends.
  5. I’m even more mystified about the goat story. You decided your farm needed an intact billy and then you got angry when it became a massive stinky asshole that attacked anything that got near it? Why did you get and keep the goat? What kind of farmer are you to be surprised at this?
  6. Sticky rum glazed shrimp, grilled corn, charred salsa. All good but honestly the salsa was the best part. I added two chipotles in adobo that didn’t get the grill treatment.
  7. It is not an observation unique to me that the current social-political-cultural trends that you see among young people bear all the hallmarks of a Evangelical-Puritan Great Awakening just with all the Bible stuff stripped out and replaced with radical politics and social justice. But the OS is the same and the country has been due for one. And that’s down even to the current poly fad. All those previous revivals were accompanied by weird sex stuff too, all the way from mortifying the flesh up to and including free love type groups that were basically the “polycule.” And in those, too, the sex was secondary to the ideology, just like when you read these articles about folks doing poly but seemingly never actually getting down, it’s the least sexy thing you can imagine. Not many of us are ready to acknowledge that a lot of those prior religious upheavals were absolutely progressive and not reactionary. It’s all even coming from the same place (New England and Mid-Atlantic elite circles, with parts of Cal as an outpost of the same group) and then trickling down and getting super enthusiastic once it hits the prole class. And Puritan revivals generally don’t encourage horizontal dancing.
  8. This is shithole country behavior. You have cops that do this type of thing everywhere but only the shitholes double down instead of just trying to forget the whole thing happened.
  9. AfD is completely lost, it is basically a fifth column at the leadership and insider level. Goes beyond Russia, too. https://www.politico.eu/article/germany-afd-party-russia-china-spy-claims-bundestag/ All these little populist-extremist parties on both the left and right across Europe are completely infected. AfD is getting the press because it’s in a big, capable country. But all of Central and most of West Europe has collaborators in exactly the parties you’d think.
  10. Type it again, but slower. Less information about what you looked like at 22.
  11. That horseshoes back around once you get married.
  12. I worked at a Y in college as a lifeguard and lifeguard instructor and there was one old guy who would walk around stark naked in the locker room, and he’d go over to the hand dryer and use it to dry his junk before getting dressed. For a while I’d smirk but then I realized- that old dude was more alpha than a passel of Andrew Tates (we knew nothing of Tate or Alpha at the time). Log the fuck off and dry your ballsack at the locker room hand dryer. You’ll be owning life and a total boss.
  13. Our elders had some things rights. Back in the 956 we didn’t even have doors on the shitters in the locker room. And at a visiting locker room that will go unnamed (it was Weslaco), you didn’t even have stall dividers. Just a row of latrines and you sat side by side. You cannot be a leader of men if you’re too afraid to crap next to them.
  14. He’d have had a much better chance with the out of his league girl if he’d slept with the other one.
  15. One thing I’ve been wondering about has just been the general state of the young. There’s a college campus near work and I see young (under 30 people) and DAMN. They are a bunch more in rough physical shape than I remember. And I’m on the wrong side of 40 and absolutely in the zone where most young women look hot. And this isn’t just calling the youth uggos. I have the over 40 dad bod of a man who gets in three good workouts a week and likes beer and BBQ more than my workout. And I notice that if I let myself slack too much or go overboard on the beer and BBQ the mojo and drive goes down. I don’t imagine that being super unfit at 23 and probably toking all the time and eating like shit is good for chasing tail.
  16. Lots of us who went to A&M only lost our virginity BECAUSE our paramour got stuck in some barb wire.
  17. The vast amount of posters are cringe-ass 50 year old guys so we’re actually doing pretty well.
  18. I have some pretty simple rules— don’t walk around with Nazi slogans and imagery. Don’t say or walk around with signs that have the n-word or nooses. Don’t use homophobic slurs. There’s just not a way to “context” your way out of it. At best—at best—you’re being deliberately edge-lordy. That’s maybe one percent of all cases, most of the time it’s just people who want to flout norms and decency and are excited to do and seek negative attention. There’s not a single reason to ever give someone with a “Final Solution” sign the benefit of the doubt. It’s pretty pathetic to trip over yourself to do so, and expected since you believe Hamas is an “emancipatory force.”
  19. It’s almost like— and hear me out— people are looking for ways to be ambiguous and put “Final Solution” next to Jewish imagery and they shouldn’t be given the benefit of the doubt.
  20. You are justifying shithead behavior in the United States. The person who made that sign has the right to do it and he is also a complete garbage person and people who try to make up excuses for it are also garbage.
  21. You can tell a cop wrote this. “Prohibitive items and activity.”
  22. The United States thankfully has very wide discretion of freedom of speech, which allows us to identify the true pieces of shit like you who can find ways to justify tossing out “Final Solution” at Jews. This is garbage person shit, go crawl back in your fucking dumpster.
  23. We should put into perspective that Russia’s defense budget for their entire military (not the war) is around 140 billion dollars. The U.S. and Europe easily match that just in the value of what we send to Ukraine let alone the rest of our defense spending. We could absorb a lot more and there was a time Ukraine could have made much larger gains. The concern is manpower in the long run.
  24. I think that you’re conflating some of the very shitty and real protests that have happened elsewhere with what happened in Austin. It IS unacceptable to block people from going to class, to scream abuse at individuals, to call for illegal violence against a group of people or individuals. But NONE OF THAT happened in Austin and we can’t use pre-crime as an excuse. It’s fine to have LE on standby and in deconflict mode. It’s fine to tell kids “you can’t camp here, pack up your tent and move along.” And if someone does get violent or start trying to block students from attending class, I’m fine with arresting that person. But that has to actually happen, it can’t be wish-casting based on what people did in LA or NYC.
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