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956 Worldwide

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Everything posted by 956 Worldwide

  1. All U.S. military aid to Ukraine either comes from U.S. stocks and is backfilled with newer, better stuff or is being produced in the U.S. and reinvigorating our defense base and preparing us to fight the next war. You’re choosing American weakness and Russia/PRC victory.
  2. Yeah, this is wishcasting. This consensus doesn’t exist. The obstructionist wing of the GOP is invulnerable to even domestic economic lobbying.
  3. It is getting increasingly hard to untangle the battlefield and Ukraine’s prospects from politics because (of choice) American politicians have chosen to make Russia’s victory and Ukraine’s defeat a political aim. I’ll leave it at that but the single biggest factor for whether Ukraine can hold serve is more approval to send weapons. In the meantime China has picked sides and so we now sort of are in a proxy war with the PRC. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/u-s-intelligence-shows-china-is-surging-equipment-sales-to-russia-to-help-war-effort-in-ukraine-ap-says
  4. Ukraine needs to shift to an attritional strategy that gives them space to reconstitute forces and get support flowing and integrated. There isn’t space for another grand offensive. And they can really maul the Russians. They can’t mount one either but they also are going to try. For the near to mid-term there is no Russian collapse on the horizon. Even this, which they can do, will need more and more consistent support.
  5. I’ve been avoiding this thread because I am angry. At some point I have to not be locked in on this every waking moment. Everyone needs to read European Commander/SACEUR General Cavoli’s testimony. It is all accurate. Then call your congress rep and call Mike Johnson.
  6. She’s almost certainly doing less damage as a rep than as mayor. That was a huge bullet dodged. She’s embarrassing and she’s hell on her staff but as a voting member is pretty much doing what she got sent there to do. Long term incumbents with marginal ambitions are rarely the worst problems in the House.
  7. What’s your favorite planet? Mine’s the sun. I like it because it’s like the King of Planets…Planet or star when that thing burns out we’re all gonna be dead.
  8. We all know the moon isn’t made out of green cheese. But what if it was made out of barbecue spare ribs? Would you eat it then?
  9. This would have been far more meaningful to do as a sitting congressperson.
  10. The libs say the sun is really big and super hot and then say that these little sunglasses can protect you from it. It’s silly.
  11. The Old Timer at Chilis is a really good burger and is usually much better value than any hipster burger place.
  12. Most SEC fans are college adjacent in the sense that IPIHB posters are Ana de Armas adjacent.
  13. It’s more accurate to say that some members of their party aren’t infected yet. Until Johnson brings Ukraine to the floor, that’s the ideology that’s in control.
  14. We need to get our shit together. The Western Hemisphere is acting up.
  15. The outcome is the intent and GE collapsing after Welch and stockholders got crazy rich by gutting the company was not things “falling apart.”
  16. Some analysts think giving Putin all he wants will reward him, amazing analysis WaPo. We are done. We can’t win important wars. We can’t build ships. We can’t build airplanes. There’s no backbone or steel in any spines. It’s Jake Sullivans and Mike Johnsons all the way down.
  17. White vinegar is much stronger than most of the other types of vinegar and so that goes both ways. For pickling and stuff, you will need more wine or cider vinegar to get the same level of pickle-ness if you use something other than white. And on the flip side, using white when wine or cider is called for will add more harshness and you will want to cut it with water and maybe some sugar. I find for marinades and things, you can change the flavor profiles between cider, red, and white wine but plain white vinegar overpowers everything and breaks down meat fibers faster. It will take some experimenting to dial in.
  18. I could just about write my analysis of this in Slovak but I’ll resist the urge. Suffice to say that Pellegrini won this election with an appeal to lies, fear, hate and with extensive foreign interference. He got through to the second round by posing as a centrist and then mobilized to grab the neo-Nazi and pro-Russia vote even as his opponent (Korcok, former foreign minister and ambassador to the U.S.) got more votes than the current incumbent president. Slovakia’s president is much weaker than the U.S. president. This basically removes any institutional hurdles (not brakes) to the criminal group currently in government. There’s lots of comparisons to the way the GOP behaves and who they mobilize, and how they exploit foreign interference. Example: Slovakia has a “campaign moratorium” where all public campaigning stops 48 hours prior to polls opening until poll closure. The winner of this election went to Hungary and gave a fawning interview to state TV which Orban then ran almost non-stop through the moratorium. Slovakia is home to about 500,000 ethnic Hungarians who all are in the Hungarian media space. Non-stop diet of Orban telling them who to vote for and calling the democratic bloc tools of Soros. Every accusation is a confession. Slovakia is rapidly turning into No Country For Young Men (Women, Gays, Educated, Tolerant, Kind….). I personally know about a dozen of the smartest Slovaks who bailed to Czech Republic and many more weighing the move. There’s almost no linguistic friction and you can even study for free in Czech schools so for about a decade the top 30 percent of Slovak students have gone to Czech schools. That will speed up and the current crowd of Kremlin tools can rule over an empty European Appalachia full of terrified pensioners, literal Nazis, and oppressed Roma. Here’s what one of my smartest friends, who is leaving, texted me: The thing is— that’s fine with them. Just like that vision is appealing to our GOP. Oh, and today Zelenskyy announced that Ukraine will lost without Congressional action. He’s right (which is why I’m too angry to go near the DT thread now). And Anastasis and GRU and the GOP that wants us to be more like Russia and Slovakia can suck each other off.
  19. 956 Worldwide


    Got it, need to adjust my meter. I’ve just noticed that one was always favored by the shithead right but recently adopted by the asshole dirtbag left to prove they can be edgy too. It really just shows they’re mean and too cowardly to use slurs that might get them punched or canceled. Not putting Lobo in either category, I know it’s not malicious just a linguistic relic we can afford to toss.
  20. 956 Worldwide


    Not really, and I know it wasn’t meant is malice in this post. The people hurt by it are the least likely to come after you, so I’ve noticed it’s come back into fashion among people who’d never think of using a racial or LGBTQ slur.
  21. Free market killing it, rewarding high performers. Capitalism winning, this is for sure how markets are supposed to work.
  22. Not fair to us, sheep don’t cut our fingers off when they accidentally get stuck inside them.
  23. I bet a fun thing would be to go way back in time to where there was going to be an eclipse and tell the cave men, "If I have come to destroy you, may the sun be blotted out from the sky." Just then the eclipse would start, and they'd probably try to kill you or something, but then you could explain about the rotation of the moon and all, and everyone would get a good laugh.
  24. I’ve been banging this on this thread for a while now. They spent way too much time on the Cybertruck and its awful and tough manufacturing process. They didn’t even do a refresh on the rest of the lineup, and now all are due for one at once. If not a completely new model.
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