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956 Worldwide

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Everything posted by 956 Worldwide

  1. Have you considered that adjusting thinking in reaction to reality is more intelligent than knee-jerk dogmatism. Just a possibility for you to mull.
  2. Andres came out strong in on the side of Israel’s right to defend itself. He’s not a contrarian or loon. I remain pro-Israel as a concept but Netanyahu has lost the plot.
  3. I gotta be real man, and I’ve supported Israel’s right to defend itself aggressively- they haven’t been working very fucking hard to let aid in. It’s been pulling teeth to get them to do anything. The take from the administration is correct, if you break a place you own it and if they aren’t going to do relief work as you invaded then at a bare minimum you need to dedicate IDF forces to protect aid workers. When we’ve gone in heavy it’s always been with a plan to secure civilian essentials.
  4. We need to talk about the munitions, too. Per Bellingcat and all the photos, there is lots of evidence pointing to an inert or low-yield missile. Which is what you use for precision strikes normally on high-value targets. That suggests a lot of coordination and planning for this. Sorry, Israel has to have a better explanation than “our bad.” So far they haven’t got one. If you fuck up and triple tap WCK and make sure they are all dead you need to say who the fuck you THOUGHT you were after. I don’t think we will get one. This one fucking stinks and it sure as shit seems like they want Gazans going hungry and all the aid workers out so they have a free-fire zone.
  5. You got people irritated by expressing your disapproval with the “bloodlust” of people who might want to fund some arms for Ukraine and listed a litany of things that better deserves our attention. But here’s what’s happening— a bunch of thugs are carrying shit out of your neighbors’ home. They’re raping the women in the house and beating the shit out of the men. They are shoving the kids in a truck to hold them hostage. And you agree it’s awful but just abhor violence. So you’ll be ready to maybe help buy a new refrigerator or to donate to a rape crisis center. Which is fine! Good on you. The world needs those things. But don’t shout from your fainting couch that you are disgusted with those of us ready to hand our neighbor a gun. Don’t ask us why we are doing that instead of running to donate to the homeless shelter or UNICEF. If you want to do that, go ahead but don’t shit-talk people who are ready to help solve the immediate problem. Because the ethical short-circuit is on your end and not ours. You have a weak stomach and not a higher developed sense of ethics. Disgust is the right word, it’s an irrational emotional reaction that is not tied to right and wrong.
  6. The Hatch Act covers federal, state and local employees (if their employers receive federal funds) but not elected officials. A partisan elected sheriff or elected law enforcement official has a specific a carve-out to appear in uniform at political events. Presumably local governments could pass regulations against it but that’s the federal law. There are of course no elected uniform service members.
  7. Netanyahu is doing tremendous long-term damage to his country that will take decades to even begin to chip away at. His response was terrible, basically “shit happens and we will try to do better. We said sorry.” If you’re Israeli or a friend of Israel it’s time to toss him overboard for self-preservation if not because he’s awful.
  8. We talking about Grenada man. Grenada. Was this copy that Jacobin rejected for too-blatant Whataboutism? Never mind that it’s a really shitty entry in the classic genre, “someone did a Bad Thing once, which means he loses the right to do a Good Thing.”
  9. Why are we talking about Hamas being in this group when even the IDF hasn’t alleged that. All of the WCK volunteers were third country nationals from the West and Oceania. We know the name and identity of the Palestinian driver. WCK is a gold star group and I don’t believe for a moment that they allowed Hamas operatives to embed with them. This isn’t some co-opted UN shitshow, Jose Andres’ group is absolutely impeccable. If there was someone there, it means that theu were basically hostages and the IDF killed them all. The most charitable possibility is negligence spilling into criminality. There’s no goal-tending this one.
  10. No, that’s why they needed this special doctrine. God just stepped in and made it happen. Beyond the theological rationale, the doctrine was formulated because at the time the church wanted to promote Marian devotions to stave off Protestant rationalist incursions and also wanted to just end pointless debates over whether Joachim and Anna had sex or not. So they just put it to bed with “God did it” and left it up to pious grannies to choose to add any other stuff. This kind of stuff was really important to the medieval mind and had long been a source of debate.
  11. And? Did you read the country report and why Palestine ended up there in 2023? It’s nearly entirely due to Hamas and WB authorities’ restrictions and media manipulation even as Israel’s actions are mentioned as a contributing factor. There is a methodology to how they put these together. You said something that is not at all correct and the evidence you are citing doesn’t back you up, just move on. It’s bad for Israel to clamp down in its own right and it doesn’t have to be WoRsE tHaN RuSsIA.
  12. They will both fall and Russia will remain far below Israel. 100 percent, that’s how these ranking work and I do have first hand knowledge.
  13. This is an astoundingly uninformed take.
  14. You could have written this word for word in 1939 and 1940 substituting places like Philippines or Cuba and other domestic causes. And yet the Eagle Squadrons and the Americans who financed them are the heroes and we are embarrassed by the people who opposed them. German pilots bombing London and Russians lobbing shells at villages aren’t pawns. They can get fucked and helping them get dead is the most American thing anyone can do.
  15. Sending money for Ukrainians to kill the people occupying their lands and murdering and raping their citizens is awesome and cool. I have rarely been more satisfied than when I helped buy a Vampyr MLRS and to refurbish a T-70; and I hope they’re still putting the shit that goes bang in the right place. Winning wars over bad people is good.
  16. WCK does amazing work and knows what they are doing. That was a clearly marked aid convoy. There’s no acceptable explanation for this.
  17. @F250 and @Anastasis are right about this. “Immaculate Conception” sounds like a synonym for the virgin birth but it isn’t. It’s a piece of Roman Catholic doctrine fully explicated not long ago that holds that Mary herself was conceived free of original sin, because as God, Jesus could not have inhabited a sinful vessel. Protestants and Orthodox don’t have the same view of original sin so the issue of Mary’s state isn’t important and there’s no need for a doctrine. It’s like expecting them to get the ins and outs of papal infallibility, it doesn’t apply. It’s interesting if you want to get crazy with apologetics or just take an academic interest in it all.
  18. I think in some ways Mulkey is a lot like Saban, though Saban more effectively throttled his worse public impulses. Both of them are hyper-intelligent and driven and they are eating themselves alive over a game. Even when you win and get to the peak, it’s just a game that you won. The world doesn’t change, life doesn’t really change because you hoist a trophy. You need to invent fictional adversity and overcome fictional enemies to justify your intensity and why you are killing yourself and why it matters.
  19. Mission Berlin reported to the U.S. commanding general until 1974, when we recognized East Germany. In Berlin the Mission even had occupation authorities when it came to approving important municipal roles. MPs and not Marines guarded the facility.
  20. Berlin was an interesting case because for much of the time it was a legally occupied city and the mission answered to the U.S. general in control of the occupation zone. There’s a zone of shenanigans under diplomatic cover as well as responses and this is for sure on the upper end of the “fafo” spectrum for both sides given the activities and tensions. The Russians used “consulates” across Eastern Europe for all sorts of bullshit and after Ukraine some countries got fed up and just announced that the facilities were to be vacated and returned to the municipalities because they weren’t being used properly. That’s the standard way of dealing with this, but it’s also true that if they get a foothold in one country they use that to do illegal shit all across the region. It presents a big problem when they go beyond standard cloak and dagger stuff and real civilians get killed. It appears like this building itself was attached to the broader compound and had some legit purposes. My sneaking suspicion is that these guys were most likely moved into the building because Israel had been blowing up IRGC meeting points all over Syria and Damascus and this was a bid to try and protect them. Hezbollah stated that one of its people was killed in there as well.
  21. It’s going to cause a problem but it gets a bit more complicated than that. The facility has to be in use for a diplomatic or consular purpose. You can easily think of obvious examples where this doesn’t work. If the PRC constructed a small airfield next to its mission in say, Vancouver with the permission of the Canadians, and then started flying drone sorties from it against Seattle and proclaimed it was an inviolable facility that wouldn’t work as a defense. Even if Canada agreed, you can’t use a consulate as a military base to launch attacks. This is a grayer area of course, but revolutionary states in the Middle East have a history of playing in this gray zone. Plenty of terrorist attacks have been planned and launched from diplomatic facilities. The Libyans famously shot a protester in the middle of London from their mission. The aforementioned BA bombings were planned and directed inside of the Iranian embassy in Argentina. You generally lose inviolability if a facility is used to break laws. The normal response is expulsion but in this case the facility is operating with permission of the Syrians. The presence of so many IRGC operatives raises the obvious question of what the facility really was— they weren’t doing visas or promoting commercial ties.
  22. I boxed for a few years in junior high and high school in the valley and I learned many life lessons, most importantly “if a wiry little Mexican guy is ready to fight you, you don’t want to fight him.”
  23. All of them are retired NCOs and they live at the tower with families. Oddly, Royal Navy sailors weren’t allowed to do it until the 21st century, something to do with a difference in oaths they take.
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