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956 Worldwide

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Everything posted by 956 Worldwide

  1. Please don’t post about Toria Nuland, you’ll summon Anastasis to this thread.
  2. The best family structure is the one I grew up in. Unless of course I hated my childhood and family, in which case it is a Tool of Oppression.
  3. He sunk his ships and told his 500 man army “no choice now except to fuck up this massive, bloody empire and replace it with ours. Better start making some local friends.”
  4. If just a fly on the wall, I’d like to be there and travel along from when Cortes landed to when he took down the Aztecs. Complicated and controversial for sure but he was one of the realest mofos out there. Roman orgy is a good one. Jesus’ trial before Pilate. The Thrilla in Manila for a sporting event.
  5. Sounds like she knows this is going to be bad. And for her sake, I hope it really is.
  6. Every time I see the “good times create weak men” discourse I have to recall that most of human history consists of hard-ass warrior societies getting their shit pushed in by rich, comfortable societies where people know how to read and pack good yummies for their soldiers.
  7. It’s like having the TV on nonstop at home, noise that you don’t realize is actually soaking in.
  8. In hopeful news, social media app use is down across the board. Musk’s shit show is the worst, of course. I’d he curious to see what the demographics are. I’d bet olds are using apps more than youngs. My pre-teens tell me that being an “iPad kid” is lame. I am on social media passively for work and have noticed that the twenty somethings post a lot less than 30 and up even if they maintain a presence.
  9. Yeah, the official story is bullshit although I can also imagine some numb-nuts Tajik jihadi spitting it out after his ear has been cut off. These are not intelligent and sophisticated people and they don’t have a good idea about what “a lot of money” means. This guy hasn’t had 500k rubles pass through his hands in his lifetime. ”Farrukh, we want you to walk into a concert hall in Moscow during war time and shoot it up then set it on fire. We’ll pay you more than enough for a high-mileage 2013 Hyundai Elantra.”
  10. There is also the very real possibility that these guys just got some Tajik government mope to print some passports for them using the data from genuine people. Always better than simple fake IDs.
  11. There are some videos of these guys being interrogated and one of them had his ear cut off and they tried to feed it to him. Then threatened to cut the other off. ISIS and the Kremlin honestly deserve each other.
  12. Nearly all of Russia’s Muslims are Sunni and so are nearly all the Central Asians. Plenty of them have fought in Afghanistan and Syria for extremist groups.
  13. The who of this attack is far less important than how it will be used. Reichstag fire type moment. I expect speeded up mobilization. Reports are also coming out that the suspects are Tajiks (so, not Northern Caucuses). Central Asians working in tandem with Ukraine is a narrative that allows the Kremlin to avoid any meaningful internal actions.
  14. Our warning to Americans is still queued up on the website and under U.S. law we told the Russians at least that much. Counter-terror intel sharing never really stopped. If the car was stopped near Bryansk, just as accurate to say they were going to Belarus as Ukraine.
  15. Keeping you alive, but barely. You need to throttle the thread starting maybe to like one a week.
  16. Russian state media beginning to speculate that these were Russia Volunteer Corps fighters in fake beards. Suuuurrrrreee. “Who committed this attack, the result of which according to incomplete information from the FSB over 60 people died and 140 were injured, and why is still unknown. (The figures will grow, of course.) Some sources have proposed that the terrorists could have been members of the banned in Russia organization “Russian Volunteer Corps.” Its members periodically attack populated outposts in Russian oblasts bordering Ukraine. On the eve of the terror attack the FSB arrested a group of supporters planning to fight in Ukraine and in the meantime planning minor diversion in Russia. Tonight security forces began receiving orienting information from the operational HQ to carry out the search for the attackers. In them, according to source “B,” it was written that the terrorists are young people, taller than average, up to 180 cm, possibly wearing fake beards and mustaches.” https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/6592262
  17. Still no official Russian statement yet. I’m leaning more away from any sort of false flag for that reason, this is usually a sign of a Kremlin in genuine crisis mode. Very Soviet-style, with people all the way up and down the chain likely sitting on information, advice, and proposed courses of action because no one wants to be in the spotlight. The vertical of power is a terribly inefficient machine in these moments.
  18. If I’m talking to someone I’m close to and care about I’ll let them stage set and then ask: “tell me what you most need from me— are you needing my support, are you looking for my best objective advice, or do you just need to vent?” It’s a useful way to frame things and people will admit they just want to vent or want to hear support more often than you’d think. If they choose “advice” and then immediately start telling me why I’m wrong or the advice won’t work, then I tell them that no one knows their own situation and what they are able to live with better than they do and stop giving advice. With work randos I’ll run through the “wow, dang, that’s really tough” cycle. And at the end say something like “sounds like you’ve got some hard decisions, what do you think is the best choice?” Then affirm whatever they say and send them on their way. I find people are rarely grateful for, or seeking actual insight.
  19. That and it popped up on a pro-Putin, pro-Assad account.
  20. I am sure some would like to, but most of those guys are back, they were never flung into frontline action as Putin and Kadyrov would not leave that door open. I doubt we will see Russia move en masse into the Caucuses. The regional puppets will get the order to brutally clean it up via police action. RU propaganda sources are already saying the Ingush connection is a Western/Ukrainian psyop and that the named men had been killed a few weeks ago.
  21. I don’t know about the state side but on the fed side there are fewer non-military employees in absolute numbers than any time since 1965. Fed employment peaked in the early 1990s. I imagine many clerk type jobs just expired as IT got better but that’s still a pretty astounding number while tracking population growth. A lot of U.S. public sector is remarkably efficient and functioning especially when compared to even developed nation counterparts but people aren’t ready to have that discussion.
  22. It was one administrative division with Chechnya in the USSR and the Chechen insurgency frequently spilled over. Ingush and Chechen are closely related languages. It’s believable that this was Islamists from there but again— it’s going to be impossible to verify anything the Kremlin says, and no matter what happened the aftermath actions will serve pre-existing Kremlin goals.
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