There is a sorting mechanism where all the smart kids now become Democrats and especially the smart ambitious kids. They’ve all also been segregated into AP and honors classes and then gone to college and have really never been around just ordinary people. It absolutely gets in the way of their ability to communicate.
Clinton and Biden (when he was able) never came off as smarty-pants or lecturing to inattentive classmates (Clinton’s particular genius was coming off as a regular shlub while actually being smarter than basically anyone he ever met). Kerry, HRC, and Gore were all smart kids.
Obama was an exception and he overcame it by being the best orator of a generation, although it was his one weakness and he hastened the party’s move into the “AP kid” direction.
To Snake Diggity’s comment above, many of the identity litanies are extremely off putting— thinking here of land acknowledgment and explaining how every single problem is especially acute for “black, brown, indigenous, women, LGBTQIA+, the unhoused, etc…..” Sort of the same issue, even if it’s accurate it’s not how anyone talks and it’s exhausting to have to constantly ensure you’re invoking the approved language.