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Bert Orange

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Everything posted by Bert Orange

  1. “Bluetooth connection lost”. “Unable to pair Logitech controller”
  2. Which design flaw number is building a semisubmersible without a sonar beacon? Is that #3,176?
  3. Wonder if billionaire and hundred millionaire would trade their entire net worth to be saved. You live. But you live poor.
  4. In the spirit of not taking this too seriously… My Yeti is seriously turning Cardinal red. Must be the lights.
  5. This. I said out on subsequent. It’s actually an ejection.
  6. Delayed dead ball. Warning issued. Subsequent infraction is an out.
  7. That’s actually completely incorrect. That isn’t the rule.
  8. Just please stop with the butthurt and hyperbole. This was a fantastic run defined by out punching our weight. It isn’t sunshine pumping like aggy. It’s reality. Tough loss. Great season. Boys should be proud they fought this hard and made it this far hamstrung.
  9. Yep. We lost. Sucks. But that pop fly didn’t cost us the game in isolation. Left tons on base. Just unfortunate to lose that way
  10. Home field advantage is real. Lights be what they are. It’s an advantage if you play them regularly. Sucks.
  11. Lmao at “batch proof” - whatever the hell that means.
  12. Not sure where you’ll find one given they were only distributed in KY. But figure 80-100 per.
  13. I have. In fact, had the flight at OF in Louisville row of OFBB, PC and 117. 117 was the standout. There is almost no equal to King of Kentucky. Folks that try it become spoiled for life. I’m one of them. I went all in. It’s my top 3 pours all time. Made it so much more enjoyable when it was 800-1000.
  14. If you want to ever see what Brown Forman can do in its extreme heat cycle form, pick up a King of Kentucky. Any year. Any bottle. And it will cement for you what making pinnacle bourbon looks like. And agree outside that, they make a damn fine shelf product for regular consumption.
  15. Hotter take, 2012
  16. A lower proof, non age stated Weller single barrel is not worth anywhere near what people pay for that shit. It’s just stupid. Single barrel has jumped the shark. Weller full proof kicks its ass consistently, and yet that goes for less than half the value. I’ll take that please. 2022 OFBB is good. It isn’t great. In fact, the 117 beat it unanimously in a four person blind SBS we did recently. I wouldn’t kick it out of bed. The PHC double barrel is a B+. Solid pour. Not exceptional. I’d probably rate it a tick above the OFBB. But not by much. Secondary clearly values it: OFBB > PHC 16 = WSiB > WFP Not sure how they have PHC13 heavy char rye left over. Was that a mistake?
  17. Forbes' Most Valuable Clubs 1. Real Madrid ($6.07bn) 2. Manchester United ($6bn) 3. Barcelona ($5.51bn) 4. Liverpool ($5.29bn) 5. Manchester City ($4.99bn) 6. Bayern Munich ($4.86bn) 7. Paris Saint-Germain ($4.21bn) 8. Chelsea ($3.1bn) 9. Tottenham Hotspur ($2.8bn) 10. Arsenal ($2.26bn) 11. Richmond ($2bn)
  18. It’s a regular item now. Shouldn’t be an issue.
  19. Though I haven’t tried barrel 5 in full disclosure. Handy RC16 proof list for those hunting… Barrel Proof 1 2 3 4 101.6 5 93.4 6 103.7 7 103.6 8 104.1 9 10 100.2 11 100.4 12 104 13 98.2 14 103.1 15 98 16 104.5 17 105.1 18 104.3 19 104.5 20 102.7 21 127.4 22 23 128 24 130.7 25 132.1 26 124.4 27 131.5 28 124.9 29 125.4 30 31 128.5 32 126.5 33 128 34 131.9
  20. Don’t be too quick there. The lower proofs I have opened are better than the two high proofs SBS.
  21. And the pick is in….
  22. Funny. Just opened that one last night. Had a touch more oak on it than #18. But was just as tasty.
  23. I grabbed three since posting this as I can’t help myself. So damn good. But don’t sleep on these lower proofers. Amazing stuff.
  24. Damn. I need a higher proof Creek to compare to mine.
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