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Bert Orange

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Everything posted by Bert Orange

  1. Ha. That’s respectable for sure.
  2. Very much depends on what year we are talking about
  3. I thought the RB bourbon was decent. Anxious to try this one.
  4. Bert Orange


    Doc said my colon was prettier than almost any he’s seen and recommended I get a colon agent in LA.
  5. Bert Orange


    This prep is so much fun. I should just pour the water I’m supposed to drink straight into the toilet. 5 hours until I’m in La La Land. Can’t come fast enough. I’m starving.
  6. Whoa - that is awfully quick for TABC!! They usually take their sweet ass time letting it get to us after it bottles. Good to know.
  7. It’s the same barrel vintage with progressive angle’s share with each release. Kinda interesting to compare all three during the year and see the impacts.
  8. B and C for 2020 aren’t out yet.
  9. Universal patient management. Henry Ford. I see the irony.
  10. A120 ECBP >>>> A119 This may be my third favorite batch behind batch 1 and hazmat. Amazing stuff.
  11. Just put my Weber summit of 14 years out to pasture (well having to my buddy). In comes the Blackstone. Had one forever at he lake. Realized there I never used the grill. Since putting one at the homestead, I haven’t missed the gas grill one bit. And still have a charcoal grill for steak.
  12. If you haven’t had the chance to try some SAOS MGP sourced rye, I highly recommend the hunt. Amazing stuff.
  13. 14 people. I’m only human.
  14. This is 100% accurate. The bourbon glut that began in the late 70s and carries into the early 90s certainly contributed to whiskey ages well beyond the age statement. But that isn’t it. The flavor profile dramatically changed. Dusty turkey is decidedly different. Even 1998 WT tastes nothing like the stuff on the shelf today. That “funk” you used to get. Don’t know how to describe it, but you try and and you just know.
  15. Cracked all these for a solid SBS
  16. You know, B-F makes some really good stuff. I think the whole lineup of OF is solid. That said, I don’t really care for the OFBB. Which puts me in the minority.
  17. I wish I knew. I wish more they knew.
  18. As pretty as it is, it’s just as tasty.
  19. New pick? I got their previous one (assume it’s not this one) and it was amazing. Gotta check details.
  20. I’ve revisited three times. It’s not a bad pour. It just lacks the character that makes dusty turkey so enjoyable. It’s like a more recent 101 taken up a couple notches in age. Which makes it rare (comparably) and unique in recent vintages. But it’s still lacking the depth I seek. I won’t buy another at retail.
  21. Tried it Monday. As a huge WT fan, can’t recommend it at the price. 101 is a far better value.
  22. Disagree. Nose is very strong. But palate and finish is going to leave dusty a turkey folks very disappointed.
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