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Bert Orange

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Everything posted by Bert Orange

  1. I’m not ready to talk playoffs until we win the damn conference. And I’m first focused on getting through undefeated to a shot to win it. Playoffs are icing. We haven’t even put the cake in the oven yet.
  2. Most of the models I see predict a strong Cat 1 or modest Cat 2 at landfall. hard to predict this far out. And water is warm as hell. Either way, it’s going to dump a shit ton of rain.
  3. I must be fucking stooopid because I can’t see any of these tropical models. The websites are completely worthless. Like ECMWF posted above. Where in the fuck does one find that?
  4. The fuck is that big red dot bearing down on Houston at the end of that gif?
  5. Yeah, about a hundo short on trade value. Well done.
  6. The official bird of Nashville is the construction crane.
  7. I hope they do. Specs is shit.
  8. They might want to look into the laws of Texas which I believe strictly prohibit raffles by for profit entities.
  9. Barton is underappreciated for cheap neat drinkers. Can’t recall if I already mentioned a handle of Tom Moore bottle in bond is right around $20-22. It’s almost untouchable at that price point.
  10. Mozzarella, cream cheese, Parmesan cheese and eggs. Then baked in oven. Super damn easy. Saw several recipes online and all were identical.
  11. I’ve never actually made keto lasagna. Now I can’t wait to make it again. I couldn’t tell at all that I wasn’t eating real pasta. Unreal goodness.
  12. That said, I hate the whole concept of “allocation” anyway. Maybe just make more of it if you think it’s so special? Or are you afraid to find out it’s only special because you say so?
  13. I actually like the new model. Why wouldn’t that be more fair than the current hierarchy awarding every allocated bottle to just the guys at the top? You spend, you get allocated bottles. But you don’t get to keep your place in line permanently. You have to spend more to get another allocation. So that others have a chance at the bottle for having also spent.
  14. Elijah Craig Private Barrel Barrel Strength?
  15. JD BS and BP are both single barrel, but BS is a fixed proof (like Weller full proof) and is their shelf offering. I’m sure the picks are great. Will need to try.
  16. Grabbed a bottle of JD SiB BS on my business trip. My second bottle and just as good as I remembered it. Enjoy it all day for around $53
  17. Interesting. Have always struggled with Saz products that share the same mashbill. I often mix them up in a blind given they are all so damn similar. I know Blantons is aged in a metal clad warehouse which is supposed to create more extreme temperature variation. And yet it still tastes like all the rest. And aside from very slightly different proofs, three of them are almost indistinguishable. BT Mashbill #2; Single Barrels - Elmer T Lee (90 pf), Blantons (93 pf), Rock Hill Farms (100 pf) Blend - Hancock’s Reserve (88.9 pf), Ancient Age (80 pf) if you ever want a challenge, do these all blind. Then do it again. Results may vary.
  18. Ahhh. He needs to let me try it before I open mine and regret it.
  19. https://www.thewhiskeyshelf.com/wild-turkey-12-year-bourbon-2022-review/
  20. The only thing that changed, and it’s the single biggest change, is that aged stocks of MGP disappeared. So every reputation of every NDP sourcing MGP changed with that change. Smooth Ambler isn’t bottling the old stuff either. Because they have no more. He’s trying to keep his business humming on a name / history, without the product.
  21. Cheers gents! Hope everyone enjoys this as much as we have. Happy 4th!
  22. I do not want to out anyone, so would Messers Pace, Ramsey and Krenzke please shoot me a DM to get these settled? many thanks
  23. My notes on it: Dark cherry and some plum with meaningful oak influence and a cherry pipe tobacco finish that lingers on and on. Killer finish. It’s off profile and oddly reminiscent of 03/04 GTS funk
  24. Official “In” Post - Pickled Liver Society Charity Barrel #385 7 year MGP - 123.92 proof (second highest of this 3XX run but drinks much lower). Very excited to offer up this most excellent cherry bomb pick benefitting a charity very near and dear to those involved with it. EVERY dollar (not profit - every single dollar) is going to benefit Houston’s MD Anderson Cancer Center. To eradicate this terrible silent killer and offer some hope to those battling this f&@king monster. We have exactly 86 🍼 to offer in total. And ask that you please limit to 2 max. Will do my absolute best to accommodate everyone. Please fill out the google doc attached. Cost: 120 per 🍼 plus 20 🛳️ flat (up to 2) We greatly appreciate your support and F@ck Cancer! https://docs.google.com/document/d/10IkuGcgu0D15O3qqRO3hH_9Ls77e-q7VTKbUQHri4ys/edit
  25. OceanGate co-founder and now only live founder, Guillermo Sohnlein, commented “it’s a sad day to lose someone so close to you, but as the now sole surviving founder and 100% owner of this company, we will learn from his mistakes” as he threw what appeared to be four double AA batteries into a nearby trash can.
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