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Everything posted by SimonSays

  1. Yup. Sad to see the direction of this great city and where it's heading. Gonna be LA 2.0 at this rate.
  2. Major attention whore. Wouldn't look too far into her posts
  3. Dan Mullen would be
  4. Nope. Just don't want to be left out in the cold if Urban screws us.
  5. Good update. I kinda feel like UT gets the sense that it probably won't happen and may be starting plan ahead with Mullen/Franklin etc.
  6. The fact that more Texas targets are leaking is a bad sign. Hmmmmm.
  7. If Urban is coming I suspect Monday evening is the cut off point. He isn't here by Monday then this isn't happening.
  8. Damn that's a good shop. Tell me you're a time traveler lol.
  9. The leaks about Mullen are worrisome. Maybe his agent though so who knows.
  10. I'm still extremely skeptical but the fact that he hasn't said no yet means he's obviously thinking over this long and hard. Definitely not a bad sign.
  11. Anything significant happen in the last 2 hours?
  12. I doubt the squid knows anything lol
  13. Pretty obvious he's saying intentionally vague shit to not get called out if he's wrong.
  14. Panthers*
  15. Guy seems full of crap tbh. He's made some other shitty predictions that flopped.
  16. TH is coming to Texas??? YES!
  17. Shelley Meyer seems like an attention whore. Wouldn't take anything she tweets seriously or look too far into it.
  18. This is how I feel. It's December 3rd, if he really wanted the job I think we would know by now. Probably still mulling it over but it taking this long doesn't bode well.
  19. Fuck.
  20. Agreed. Still think we have a shot at Urban but it went from 75-25 he's coming to 60-40 he isn't.
  21. Can anyone confirm or post this? Probably just Bucks fans being salty but still.
  22. Fucker better give me my credit. I pointed that out last night lol.
  23. It really is embarrassing. Just shows you how complacent this program has gotten for whatever reason.
  24. He's probably mulling it over.
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