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  1. LOL
  2. Urban will only come if he gets enough of his core guys. His core guys will not leave in the middle of a national championship run. That is the hold-up on Saturday, not Fox. We'll see if what the committee thinks. If OSU is in the playoff, we will continue to wait until they are out.
  3. https://imgflip.com/i/4q92mt wont let me insert picture for some reason
  4. Shit dude, at least he’s not selling it. I’ll take some free snake oil
  5. If people don’t go to the games or buy merchandise, that matters too. Don’t have to a big donor to make a statement.
  6. His teams finish higher than Texas every year
  7. The speed at which the announcements were out on major media makes me think it was sent out by our PR department. I don’t think it was about reading comprehension on his post.
  8. RIP
  9. Amazing volume but it’s not the best you’ve ever had. It’s more like “gets the job done” for several meals they use generic tortillas!
  10. Why would you commit to a school with no coach?
  11. Klatt also talked some serious shit about Aggie Egos. It was great.
  12. Squid is a troll?
  13. Urban didn't say anything. Sources said it was health. He's fine.
  14. Urban didn't say anything. Sources said it was health. He's fine.
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