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  1. There. Right there was where you fucked up.
  2. Here for the night shift boobs, booze, and loud guitar. Looks like our boy Tom got caught with a little slip
  3. We’re rocking out??? Can support Michelle
  4. in before the end of all things. 🤘🏻😈🤘🏻
  5. Brooooo it was nonstop here. From the jump Bevo was havin none of it and we took that energy straight into the game. Didn’t even get the chance to properly gloat cause then came all the “we didn’t really want to be there” excuses. Nah, fuck y’all and the dawg you rode in on. I never despised GA and their fans as much until I lived here. As they say in SCAR, to hell with Georgia.
  6. This. I live in Georgia currently. Let no one deceive you that GA fans are trash too, throwing shit at you for wearing a different team trash. Oklahoma of the South. Extraordinary expectations every year as well that they are getting tired of being not met. Just have to wonder how long he’s got, and whether it would be a net upgrade over Herman.
  7. While we’re talking about coaches we won’t get who’d have an easier run at a title here....think Kirby Smart is tired of losing to Bama?
  8. It all makes sense now. Any port in a storm, and boy the wind is blowin
  9. We seem to be pretty all-in on Campbell for a guy who’s allegedly the floor of the search
  10. Just gotta let it marinate. Surly will take the nonsensical and ridiculous rationalizations and make it all make sense
  11. We’re about to talk ourselves into getting the next best coach like we talked ourselves into getting Meyer aren’t we? I’m fuckin here for it
  12. I am so beyond giving a fuck what somebody literally named Squid has to say through interpretive emoji.
  13. Wanted to post it but don’t have the rep to gif yet I think. My mans
  14. If it makes anybody feel better, Drew Lock just tossed a pick on the opening drive. Bag secured.
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