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  1. It was mostly as a joke, but the confidence boost I got from a warm secure dick & sack is indescribable
  2. I bought a pair of these before a trip to Chicago. My fiance hates when I wear em around the house, but I do it anyway. I should pick up another pair...
  3. She never denied Austin reports like this 🤔
  4. Did someone already post this? Urban likes Yurcich 👀 https://twitter.com/CFBONFOX/status/1337166171531927558
  5. Is your wife's name Shelly?
  6. 👀
  7. My last post in this thread. The highs were high, the lows were low, I pray to god next season doesn't blow. It was fun while it lasted.
  8. I've been playing this in my mind. Either, he's a professional and hits it hard next year, in a "look what you tried to get rid of" revenge tour, or he sucks worse than this year and fucks himself out of a good job when we divorce. Either way the announcers will incessantly bring it up multiple times a game next year. “Look how great he’s doing, revenge for Texas wanting to fire him” or “Is Tom's focus or drive there? As a reminder Texas was ready to fire him at the end of last season”
  9. I'm logging out of twitter and returning to ignorance. I don't think I'll be able to handle all the tweets about recruits decommiting
  10. Y'all wanna see my meat?? This was my second attempt last Wednesday after absolutely butchering a point cut on my new Traeger. When I know with certainty who our next coach is.. one way or the other, I'm going to take the next day off, smoke some meat and drink some beer.
  11. Health is not the reason. It's just a lot nicer than saying "I couldn't convince enough of my guys to follow me to your school so nah, I'm good". He'll keep hosting until the stars align on his end... maybe next year.
  12. I'm new and have no idea who you are, but apparently you're kind of a big deal. You have my blind and absolute trust.
  13. ALL TEAM ACTIVITIES? Does that mean Tom's press conference? 🤔
  14. So what's the best case scenario? Urban is announced tmrw and flips a ton of kids in two weeks? Or gets them to postpone their decision?
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