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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by UnhappilyMarried

  1. The 2024 Big 12 is not comparable to any historical version of the conference. Tech, TCU, BU are as bad as they've been in a decade. 4 bottom feeders were added that do nothing but dilute quality and provide what should be free sweeps.
  2. Pretty true. We’ve had cake walk home regionals for nearly a decade and some convenient supers matchup upsets. ECU the lone exception. Miami and Stanford are about as tame as they come last year. Avoided Oxford and Gainesville (or would UF have come to us?) recently. 2014 the last true hostile regional. 15 was tough, but not hostile.
  3. Rewarding the catcher for failing to receive the ball properly is something
  4. Catchers should walk into the batter every time a runner is on the move
  5. LF wall was bizarre there. A Big 12 logo next to unlabeled conference champions by year
  6. Black belt and pants are horrendous
  7. They always forget to change listed positions when JT/Max/PB/Gaspo shift around
  8. 90% of the staff has Incarnate Word level stuff and we’re in 2nd place in the conference
  9. The man can’t build a roster, but he can sure as hell maximize what he gives himself to work with
  10. Gutsy all around. This is a good looking team right now. LBJ finding it could make this team a 1 seed's nightmare. Always seems to be good games between these two teams, enjoy watching them play.
  11. Gage wants the ball. Love it
  12. The fucking man right there
  13. Rain delay would be nice at this point. Best chance to chase their guy
  14. Highest pitch count on the year is 115 in 6.0 vs KSU 2 outings ago. They need this one just as bad as we do. He's going 8 today
  15. Pierce loves to make things hard on himself
  16. 2 balls higher than the one to Gaspo there
  17. Unlucky CF was right there covering.
  18. Burning bad arms on Friday to steal the series on Sat/Sun is an embarrassing strategy for lowly, talent devoid programs, but damned if Pierce hasn't mastered it
  19. Grubbs calling the fly out on a ball hit 470 lol
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