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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by UnhappilyMarried

  1. Because the plug needs to be pulled and the “3 Omaha trips” line is the only argument not to pull it
  2. Can we start caveating the 3 Pierce Omaha trips with Augie-recruit Kody putting the team on his back in 18 and the easiest regional/super path in college baseball history in 21? Yes, 22 was gutsy as hell. And then Pierce fielding an entire team of toddlers in all 3 Omaha game 1s in a tournament that is completely predicated on staying in the winners bracket
  3. Why on earth would we keep Rodriguez?
  4. It’s amazing how short memories can be
  5. He should go for the Jake McKenzie one of these Tuesdays
  6. Win's a win. Gotta hope Wash can stay a Q2 team all year
  7. Pierce must be dead set on that sweet $2.4m buyout at this point. Comical stuff
  8. Pierce forgetting Fontenot exists in high leverage innings for the last 2 weeks is a great bit.
  9. If you want more O'Dowd whining I can up my quota. Also Thomas needs to move out of the leadoff role immediately. He has 1 multi-hit game in the last 12 games
  10. Ace didn't start. Howard got shelled on Sat.
  11. We've been a mid to low .98 fielding percentage team the last few years - very solid. This inning drops us to about .966 on the year, matching 2019 when we started a shortstop fielding .900. Shockingly bad defense from 2nd base and pitcher this year.
  12. UT owns 4+ square blocks east of Comal if they really wanted to do something with it
  13. The Jarrett talk is pissing me off now. Getting blown out in a stadium full of Cubs fans who had never seen a college baseball game before was almost as embarrassing as the game after that.
  14. There isn’t a single better developer of pitching and hitting talent in baseball than Walter right now. And he grabbed arguably the biggest, most contested pitching target in the history of the portal last year. Between last year and this year, he’ll have like 3 arms and 3 bats drafted higher than any Pierce guy (Ty is highest around 30ish if I recall). Id think it’d be easier to pull Godwin than Jarrett. Jarrett just got home, I wouldn’t think he’s leaving after 2 years. Godwin has probably maxed out what he can do at ECU
  15. Wake coach just signed an extension and it’s a private school so we don’t know the details, but I’d imagine that’s more than doable. Same goes for Duke. UVA should also be doable ECU coach is a legacy with a burning desire to get them over the hump and to Omaha, but we could comfortably 2-3x his number. FSU coach put us in the dirt in 2022, but I don’t know if I’m giving him credit there or chalking that up to Pierce in Omaha. Also another legacy. Probably end up just giving more than half of that list raises, but they’d all be upgrades who could immediately hit the ground running with the SEC recruiting bump
  16. LBJ is the last guy to be worried about in the context of the entire staff, but he’s certainly not throwing like the ace we thought we had. Some sizable regression from last year.
  17. Just have to accept that even Boehm is going to be hot and cold. LBJ had a good stat line, but he has to be able to extend through the 8th pretty much every Friday for the rest of the year
  18. Good stuff KS. Still think the aggressive base running makes sense. Surprised we waited this long to be attacked on the bases
  19. All 4 runners standing on 1st have reached 2nd without another batter moving them over
  20. That was just a strike to Gaspo, blue
  21. Way to get out of it on a 3 ball count. Come on now sticks
  22. 3 straight innings of a walk on a spiked fastball advancing to 2nd
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