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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by UnhappilyMarried

  1. Just put it up in the wind to right and it’ll go
  2. Biggest home series next weekend since when?
  3. Reminds me a lot of a game vs TCU where DC fucked up a ball in left and then earned the runs right back at the plate
  4. Who’s starting next? Flores and Volantis both pen this weekend?
  5. Time to give Max the Flores treatment and send him down in the lineup for a bit
  6. Damn, thought they’d let us get away with 1 more knock on this guy
  7. Jesus fuck Not a single strike that AB
  8. Assuming it’s like ours. Behind the plate looks empty but GA is packed. And their GA is twice the size ours is
  9. One team scored out of all their timeouts down the stretch. Wasn’t us
  10. To be fair, he probably gives up 3 tanks tonight vs a conference lineup
  11. Something about Let’s Go Petrinksy will always be my favorite
  12. DMDA, ignite the rally
  13. 2/15 since Vegas w 2 singles
  14. Gaspo has 13 hits and 12Ks in 54 ABs. 11 XBH hits.
  15. NBA assistant >> college HC is getting big. I guess it’s more attractive now that recruiting has been simplified to managing a payroll Former players vs donors has way more comedic potential as a bmd dynamic than Dallas vs Houston
  16. Glad they threw him today. Good time to have the necessary questions answered before conference play
  17. Thankful for 3 versatile, extendable guys in Burns, Ruger, and Grubbs. Volantis to the rotation, Bing sucking, and Mercer hurt are brutal for bullpen depth
  18. Great timing for Tommy to breakout. Impressive journey for him
  19. The safety bag puts Schuesslers brain in a pretzel
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