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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by UnhappilyMarried

  1. Does Flores make that play? Good d sub
  2. Burke hasn’t thrown in 3 weeks for… some reason
  3. That infield in with first and third had catcher’s throwing error into center with JT getting home written all over it.
  4. Lol never a doubt. Good wake up call for the bats
  5. Not have Zane working in the pen ever again unless we go deep next week
  6. Jesus Christ Pierce
  7. 15 months in the making for a big time K at the Disch
  8. Texas and Stanford both done with m and w tennis. Golf, T&F, rowing, baseball and softball left. We underperformed on m tennis, they slightly over performed on w tennis. Expected gap for directors cup dropped from about +35 points to +7.
  9. Walk away for 15 mins and we cruise through those second sets. Great win!!
  10. .5mph of wind less and that’s 3 scoreless with a walk and an infield hit. Curve just kept getting better
  11. Carlson slugging a lot better lately
  12. Offspeed stuff looking great. 2 more outings to find fastball location and up velocity and we could have our difference maker
  13. Quick check has Daly and Flores both at 1 hit in their last 18 or so ABs. I guess I’m good with seeing if Flores finds success with consistency. Surprised Pierce doesn’t trust Carlson at short, that’d open up more options for dh Our stats show Flores with only 1 error on the year, not sure how that’s the case.
  14. Pretty funny that Thamel still operates as Herman’s media mouthpiece
  15. Blue's going to lose his voice by the 4th inning
  16. Wasn’t Holland in the building to see us beat them in a scrimmage by 40? Wonder why one of those teams played more freshmen. The only thing I care about still is that everyone on planet earth knew Muss never stopped recruiting him and we sat back and let him eat our lunch. And fuck Holland for waiting so long that we were too late to get in on elite wing transfers
  17. EK not emulating Craig Counsell in the box today. Is that new?
  18. Can the idea that Holland is worried about Dillon Mitchell please die?
  19. Reilly was always going to follow beard and take his softball bench chants with him. Donewald is a loss, but if it’s because he’s sour he didn’t get the head job, obviously not a Terry issue. AJ Johnson is less college ready than Morris was. Shouldn’t be a shock that a kid who went to Kanye’s fake high school doesn’t want to go to college classes. Mitchell has known for months that Holland was coming in and getting starter mins + Brock returning. Morris has had one foot out the door since January. Considering he’ll likely end up at DePaul or Ole Miss, that should tell you what the cbb world thinks of him. Some of that hurts us, but it’s been largely inevitable events clear to see for months now if you’ve paid the slightest bit of attention
  20. Holland, Disu, Shedrick is the front court. Holland is almost certainly the reason Mitchell will transfer when he gets his pro feedback
  21. Morehouse was talked about in the fall like the second coming. LBJ is supremely talented. There’s a lack of talent on the roster, but there’s a lack of pitching talent on every Big 12 staff. Expecting more than 7 innings of competency a weekend isn’t wishcasting.
  22. Complaining about NIL money like it isn’t a coaching issue that we have 1 strike thrower on the entire roster is quite funny
  23. The pen implosion makes Daly’s defense irreplaceable right now. He’s settling in nicely at short, the team is fielding .994 in conference, and the bench options have proved unusable. Agreed on more DH opportunities for JD. We only have 4 guys hitting over .250 in conference and don’t have the bench to shuffle many of them. Powell’s defense and slugging keep him in the lineup
  24. PSA with the news of Witt possibly returning next Sunday, TCU still has face value GA tix for sale next weekend.
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