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Everything posted by Pdawg88

  1. Pretty good back from his tape. His dad said Sark reached out as soon as he hit the portal.
  2. Wrong player my friend. This is who you are thinking of https://247sports.com/player/kevontre-bradford-46041118/
  3. Way to move the goal post and talk about Arkansas baseball. Am I proud of us getting our shit packed in the playoffs? No that’s a dumb fucking question. But I would at least rather make it and have a chance, a very small chance. But a chance none the less. But hey that’s just me. If y’all are cool with winning Alamo bowls that’s fine with me. Not talking shit either, I actually enjoy most of the shit you post
  4. Just going off of what @golfclapsaid. You can’t win the big one if you aren’t there. And yes we have gotten beat 4 times. Trust me I was at 3 of them, including the ass raping LSU gave us.
  5. Texas not giving a fuck about Big12 titles speaks about the state of the program.
  6. I read the last part in this, not the Willy Wonka
  7. When Brent was on The Bubba love sponge show he was great. I was never a fan of him on Howard’s show, especially the swinging story from LA. That was radio gold but it was hard to listen to without cringing.
  8. He wasn’t that good anyways i kid, this sucks
  9. True story. I lived in Miami in 2002. One night we go downtown Fort Lauderdale and drink all night and end up doing blow with Steve-O. To this day one of the coolest nights of my life, and haven’t done blow since. I woke up the next day around noon and knew I would never get better than that so I was done. Friend of mine still has a picture from that night.
  10. I beg to differ, I’ve been rubbing my wiener very hard and fast for years and it hasn’t burned once.
  11. Pdawg88


    At this point I’ll take Oklahoma to be ahead of Texas in anything. Normally as a state we suck balls.
  12. Pdawg88


    Cookies here in OKC has some amazing GMO flower right now. I want to say it was 32%. I picked up an 1/8 yesterday and it damn near killed me last night. It is pure fire. Going back tomorrow to pick up another one.
  13. He clearly doesn’t have a pair or this shit wouldn’t have went down the way it did.
  14. No way this kid plays a down of football in Norman unless we schedule a home and home with bama.
  15. There has to be more Waffle Houses per square mile there than any where else. Let’s not drag Waffle House in this.
  16. Nope, they fancy as many buffets as they can find. Seem like Gulf shores people to me.
  17. I’ve wrestled a couple elephants after leaving the bar at closing time.
  18. Yeah it can get dicey in there for sure. COVID has pretty much closed them down. I think they do take out only. If you are ever back in the city try George’s happy hog. It’s a close second to Leo’s.
  19. NWA-Straight outa Compton
  20. What is you gentlemen’s thoughts on Hard Eight BBQ? We had had a 7vs7 tournament and stopped by there. I thought it was pretty good myself. Here in OKC we have good bbq, not great. Leo’s is probably the best.
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