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Everything posted by Pdawg88

  1. Little guy just catching the game.
  2. So glad I drafted him in the 3rd round in my league. He’s so good.
  3. I still have a pair of my old Girbaud overalls. Wife keeps trying to throw them away, she will go before they do
  4. I really am glad you have that last win to hang your hat on. If not you would have nothing to say, not one thing. But it did suck to lose that game. You must know the pain well, you have felt it way more times than me. But now that mommy and daddy left you in the Big12 you can go back to be the irrelevant team that you have been your whole life. But you did win the last bedlam. Congrats!
  5. I wish most OSU fans shared your line of thinking.
  6. I’m a traitor😥
  7. I’m in love
  8. Pdawg88

    BC @ FSU

  9. Could they let him go with cause? I mean the idiot isn’t doing his job.
  10. Wearing a Happy dad hat is fitting.
  11. 1,2
  12. I didn’t smoke it, my buddy did.
  13. Buddy made a brisket and a pot of beans. Little guy loved it.
  14. I should have left you take a little Scholz. He would have loved it
  15. My son played Friday night so we didn’t go.
  16. Show me a loss
  17. That is a strong haircut from the young man
  18. Took the boy for a little lunch. Ribs were delicious!
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