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Everything posted by LarryMoeSurly

  1. Oof, that quick shot of the Georgia cheerleaders wasn’t pretty…
  2. Blocked! I guess if you attempt 20 FGs in one game, it’s bound to happen.
  3. Some commercial advertising “YZY” just made me want to go full Elvis and shoot my TV with a revolver.
  4. Evidently lining up in the neutral zone is also no longer a penalty.
  5. Looking at Lucas Oil Stadium makes me want to ensure I never buy any Lucas Oil products.
  6. LOL, love seeing BoB pissed off. Fuck that dude.
  7. Oh well. Was hoping for Big XII level officiating on that call.
  8. I too saw the Long Riders in the cinema back in the day with my dad. Loved the real life brothers playing real life brothers. And the cool slow motion bullet hits in the final battle.
  9. Right about now the fact that Burke ever played lacrosse is really pissing me off.
  10. I don’t get the push for Marion. He has no ties to the area and his strength relies on a system that Sark isn’t going to adopt.
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