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Everything posted by LarryMoeSurly

  1. Don't think this one from The Athletic has been posted yet. Mainly more of the same but some good quotes.
  2. Turns out I didn’t factor in the stupidity of the FSU coaching staff.
  3. ND going to lose this game, bunch of overrated sons of bitches. After the crazy COVID year, rankings are all screwed up.
  4. Well, piggy’s HC has a pretty nice set of tits so at least they have that going for them.
  5. Tillman has always been such an SEC pumper that I couldn’t stand to listen to him. He was actually decent yesterday, maybe because we’ll be in the SEC soon.
  6. My initial reaction at the game was that Sark still has the training wheels on Card. Card held on to the ball too long several times. He definitely seemed he’d rather be cautious than throw something that could be close to an interception, and we ended the game with no turnovers. IMO he did way better than I thought he would evading the pass rush and slipping out of tackles. Happy to see that.
  7. Also I concur with the audio system sounding like muddy reverb. Couldn’t really understand anything being said. Hopefully this is something they’ll fix and not a new “feature” of the SEZ. And why do they not show replays anymore on the big screen? Seems like this started back in 2019. I feel like there were only 6-7 replays for the entire game.
  8. Something happened because we stood in the same spot without moving an inch for over 20 minutes. Then it started to move. It’s like they had only a 1 or 2 ticket scanners open at one point before opening them all up or something. Never had a problem going in gate 1, even with a sell out crowd.
  9. Seems like we had a dozen holding calls and not a single one for Louisiana.
  10. Whoever made the decision to have assigned gates as your only entry point should be kicked in the nuts (or pussy). Here is the line we were in for gate 7. Well, one of three lines like this that all merged together at gate 7. Clusterfuck is putting is too nicely. Took us around 45 minutes to get through this shit.
  11. This sounds awesome! I’m mainly infatuated with two things in my spare time: football and crypto. I’ll be buying these packs when they come out!
  12. 3rd and 32. If they pick this up it’s their night.
  13. There’s the Gus I know. I knew he was going to come out tonight and start saying crazy shit.
  14. 3 and out. Gophers feeling it now. And Stroud looks like half as good as Casey Thompson, maybe less.
  15. Perhaps, but osu sure as hell doesn’t look like the 4th best team in the country.
  16. It’s my fault. I drafted him in a Devy league so he’s guaranteed to be a failure now.
  17. @immamac & @RGBIII are fucking awesome for putting this together. The only potential hiccup I see is if for some reason the Horns carry 9 or 10 TEs on the roster. But I guess it’s just as likely the could carry 6 or 7. Perhaps it would just average out over the 3-5 years a TE would be with the team. And perhaps the more established this thing gets there could be additional supporters other than the current projection.
  18. With NIL it’d be cool to get current players on a game like that and get some $$ for them.
  19. We’re gonna need our receivers to catch the ball. Otherwise teams will just stack the box to shut Bijan down. It would also help if PK has taught our guys not to shoot ourselves in the foot on D.
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