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Everything posted by OneOfTheOutOfFocusGuys

  1. how on earth is that a crime? mere threats can't be a crime under the 1st amendment, right? doesn't it have to be paired with some sort of reasonably immediate ability to carry it out or something?
  2. bwahaha. this is what he responds to, exactly making the point.
  3. The "show me your diploma" that Ags do is Lil Brother Maxxing. It is a tacit acknowledgement of the superiority of UT. "I bet you couldn't even get in there" is the message. I promise you I've never challenged someone to show me they could get an Aggie degree.
  4. the thing is so unaerodynamic, i don't see what the harm would be mounting huge amps on top to crank guns n roses as it strafes.
  5. Re:Disney’s tough time. Who knows if that motivation is real or not but I think they were referring to 2023 Disney bombs. They (publicly) said Moana 2 would be big screen Feb 2024. So the guess was it was a reaction to earlier bombs and 2023 was a rough year for Disney. https://m.imdb.com/news/ni64568982/
  6. they have actual resources so you can't have weimar republic like drops.
  7. First one had a lot of magic for the kids. This one is a lot closer to Frozen 2 than Toy Story 2. Evidently it was supposed to be TV series that they re-rigged into a movie because Disney needed something in the box office given the losing streak they were on. You could tell. There are some giant electric eels that just appear, are there for a scene, are fought with, then are gone. What the hell was that all about? Then you understand it was probably some bad guy in one episode of a series. Kids left the first one singing all the songs. This one felt like level of quality of songs.
  8. The ruble stuff is worse than being reported. Everyone says “worst since March 2022”. Technically true but that was just a very transitory blip because of the start of the war. This is isn’t transitory. Mar 2022 is that short downward spike in the middle here.
  9. Arresting mom because *someone else* could have been a criminal is an excellent use of the law.
  10. I was in the mines since I was seven.
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