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Certifiably Surly
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  1. Seems like classic self-sabotage, blowing yourself up rather than accepting you're not good enough, which is your ultimate fear. Sucks for the kid but he's got a long life (hopefully) to get straight and learn a few things.
  2. It is you that are the ugly bitch at the moment, amigo. Bring it up a notch.
  3. No. I saw every one of those OU wins as a student. He beat OU and we love him for it. But that was it.
  4. OSU has been shitty this year. If we can jump on them they'll start remembering it.
  5. Quin Ewers just won that game in one of the most clutches performances in Texas history. Fuck the haters.
  6. Merry Christmas and congrats on being the first person to ever call me too serious, feels good.
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