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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by mwaadeeb

  1. Jamal Charles was as good as anybody we've got, including Bijan. Moment one supreme badass. I only wish he'd stuck around and won the Heisman so people would remember him like they ought to.
  2. We retire numbers so that people in future will have to reflect on what a badass someone was. Bobby Layne was the ultimate badass, a hero to a whole generation, not just for his exploits on the field, but for his exploits off the field. He was worshipped, adored and saluted wherever he went, South and North. Everybody's All-American with Denis Quaid was based on his life. People with no concept of history, like Helobious, are exactly why you retire numbers.
  3. The point is valid. If half of these guys aren't busts we'll be ahead of the curve. The good news we have numbers and what remains ought to kick ass.
  4. His trip so far reminds me of Jordan Hicks, let's hope it lasts as long.
  5. Yes there is a minimum. He's a star and being courted by everyone. He's put in the work and he's going to get the ball. For Addison, it's about personality I guess. He might want to be the uncontested number one, the star. Or if he's smart he might want another super-badass like Worthy to take the pressure away and open things up. Not sure which one he is. I was curious where he'd be if he went to SC. At Texas he would be 1A / 1B.
  6. I probably missed it but what's the depth at SC like, is there a bona fide stud? He's not going to get more balls than Worthy here.
  7. Sounds like a weak system, or boring at least. It must work somewhere. Any example of a college team that does it well?
  8. Lol Dodge calls his hair "bad look, bad deal, a situation." At first I thought the hair screamed look at me in a Mayfield / Manziel way, so it's cool to hear (and to have seen over his recruitment) that he's just doing his thing. Going to be a lot of fun watching him sling it the next few years.
  9. Honest question. People talk about how Bijan and Quin are making huge money. Who's paying them that much for endorsements? I'm nowhere near the Austin market so maybe they're on TV all the time or in ads everywhere, but I have a hard time understanding where somebody is getting a million dollars worth of ad value out of these guys. T-shirts?
  10. My god it will be fun to root against them, and especially that class.
  11. I was looking at the big draft boards and whatnot and wondered: will we have a single person drafted this year? I can't think of one.
  12. Girls like cars? Guess I better trade in my 91 F250.
  13. lol even harder man. he quoted the article with one little question about his recruiting. Tell me you need to break from the board without telling me you need a break from the board.
  14. Dude posts a new Rueben Owens article in the Rueben Owens thread and people lose their shit, lol.
  15. There's always potential. There's often some flashing. But not one of those guys has shown to be very good. All of them average or worse. I hope that changes but to think we have talent on our fronts is not backed up by evidence.
  16. He's living the life out west as businessman and former sheriff of Jeff Davis county. He can knock the top off a prickly pear at 500 feet.
  17. Admissions sound pretty boring. (Edit: honest typo #noracist)
  18. It would be a firing offense to not pick up a few seasoned WRs in the portal, and I'm generally on the give-him-a-few-years train. Dixon seemed to get some confidence / action the last few games -- hoping that was a trend.
  19. lol. In the 20 or so (christ) years I've visited this board, I've honestly never heard a single nice thing said about the poor son of a bitch that is GD. anyway, back to aids.
  20. I figured I'd trigger some of you girls, ha.
  21. Serious question about Greg Davis. For all his nauseating faults, does he deserve credit for at least implementing if not adapting/designing the basic RPO (?) structure that let Vince be Vince?
  22. Hol-up, I was told all the best players weren't playing because the coaches were super-dumb.
  23. Top 5: High Noon Searchers Shane Unforgiven The Ox Bow Incident Honorable Mention: My Darling Clementine The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance McCabe and Mrs Miller
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