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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by mwaadeeb

  1. Arch threw a few of the worst passes I've ever seen in my life against ULM, just total fucking idiot throw into triple-coverage passes. I think our coaches know what they're doing in this matter.
  2. No one's saying he's not struggling. But Arch came in and did some shit dumber than Quinn and none of you can see it.
  3. So you're also considering the year he won the Big 12 and got us into the playofs you fucking idiot?
  4. 5) Quinn gives us a better chance to win than Arch. The fact that you can't even imagine that shows how dumb the shit-talkers really are. You'll all look back in ten years and say Quinn was a solid Texas QB, but you can't say it now because you're small-minded.
  5. What choice to we have? Anyone who tells you Arch is better than Quinn right now is a fool.
  6. People are defending him because he's a good QB, and idiots on this forum are calling him a POS and a pussy. No he's not having the year we thought, but he's the best QB we've had since Colt McCoy, so STFU and let's see what happens.
  7. I'm always for the most epic. And the most epic is us beating UGA on the way to it all.
  8. We want UGA again. Otherwise them bitches will have scoreboard.
  9. So we don't want another shot at UGA? Real UT vs fake little UT would be fun, but I'd like to punish UGA too.
  10. This is crazy talk. Dude is going pro in a great year to get drafted (as opposed to last year). He's go 3rd round on arm talent alone.
  11. We have. Can't stop. But Arky D has been stout.
  12. Yeah he's just lacking in awareness and quickness. He might still go late 1st or 2nd to somebody with an old school O.
  13. What I find hard to compute is that we have the top D and lead the SEC in picks. It's been a LONG time.
  14. Looked like Golden got held up to me. Don't be so fucking quick to blame everything on the QB.
  15. Seems Jontay believed he was great when he was worse than (the much less heralded) Moore. Now he’s behaving like a child, which he is. Hope he grows up.
  16. Arkansas would be a cool little state if not for Texas sucking up all their oxygen, and making the rest of the country think they're West Virginia with less teeth and more deformities. This makes stomping them also borderline erotic, because it's true.
  17. No. A college QB who's not perfect.
  18. A quarterback who lacks confidence in part of his game isn't always a pussy because of it, you dolt. For the love of God get that through your thick head. My guess is he's too in his own head about pocket presence and running, which makes him hesitate.
  19. No but finding yourself funny is funny.
  20. Tads of overzealousness all up in here.
  21. Yep. We were all beginning to believe this was a great team two weeks ago. It's not. But it's a good 7-1 team that will very likely get it together and make a run, and if QE gets back in form we'll all be happy. Why people don't put their energy into that possibility instead of calling QE a pussy and the team fucked is a constant mystery, until I remember its called Surly for a reason and shake my head and go back to the recruiting board.
  22. Not after they hear the glowing KJ Lacy practice reports.
  23. Thanks. He played fine. The pics were not bad decisions, just bad outcomes. A few more downfield strikes and he would have been kicking ass, which we'll need him to do in some games down the stretch.
  24. Yep we're right in that zone. I still think QE pulls through, maybe not all the way--last year plus one, call it. If we're playing Arch there's less of a chance for that IMO but it would be amazing.
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