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About jetsfan76

  • Birthday 12/15/1976

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  1. I think he's ok, but Draisaitl was out.
  2. I hate my team so much sometimes. Win something that fucking matters for once! Here comes the eventual letdown.
  3. Do other countries (Germany, Ecuador, Russia, Laos, etc) have stupid ass millennial moms naming their kids some absolute bullshit names like on r/tragedieigh?
  4. Am I the only one who doesn't want him to pass it? 99 forever. I just saw that Gretz holds the record for playoff points with the Oilers (shocker) with 252 in 120 games. Second is Connor McPunchFace with 117 in 72. He also holds the Kings record with 94 in 60. Kopitar has 80 through 97.
  5. Don't worry, we're going to choke on horsedick as usual. We'll get swept in the first round. It's like clockwork.
  6. Listen to the new Spiritbox album, Tsunami Sea.
  7. Fuck Vegas, but most importantly, fuck Stone! That aside, the other west teams added enough to erase the sliver of hope I had for the Jets winning anything. Is it football season yet?
  8. 3st loss in a row! Wheels are coming off the Jets right on time, as usual!
  9. Resurrection Electric Massage, apparently.
  10. Don't worry, we'll choke in the first round vs the 'lanche. It's our MO.
  11. TIL the term mullet (for the haircut)was first coined by the Beastie Boys. Also, rip mulletsgalore.com
  12. Canada booing us is very fucking aggy. I hope we skull fuck these syrup loving moose fuckers.
  13. After the refs gift the game to the Fightin' Swifts, Philly's overall record will be 666-666.
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