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About jetsfan76

  • Birthday 12/15/1976

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  1. TIL the term mullet (for the haircut)was first coined by the Beastie Boys. Also, rip mulletsgalore.com
  2. Canada booing us is very fucking aggy. I hope we skull fuck these syrup loving moose fuckers.
  3. After the refs gift the game to the Fightin' Swifts, Philly's overall record will be 666-666.
  4. Jets looking mighty good as of late. Beat the Caps, then blanked the Whale. Of course, this is all the great buildup just to let me down, aka my personal aggy rollercoaster.
  5. jetsfan76


    Courtney LaPlante was interviewed, and the reporter called her Poppy, so she finished out the interview as Poppy.
  6. This one is MUCH better!
  7. I know you're being funny, but they were Eskimo for 90% of their career
  8. Eskimo Callboy definitely scratches an itch I have.
  9. Right down the middle with every play, and we can't stop it.
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