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Okie State

Certifiably Surly
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3852 Surly 10%

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  1. You've got some balls referring to her as 'Wide'.
  2. I'm stuck in Texas for a while, but I have no desire to retire here. Shit weather and cost of living gets worse every year. The food is really the only thing I would miss.
  3. Damn yeah that got me. Well done.
  4. Yep, $100+ on various cheese, deli meats, and accessories. Easy.
  5. And just like that, he fixed it. Mission accomplished.
  6. And the prices will never come back down even after the tariffs are removed someday.
  7. One thing is for certain. Everyone, except the person responsible, will be blamed.
  8. How much are the tariffs on all the Made in China shit he sells with his name on it?
  9. Oklahoma likes to give away their most valuable resource for pennies on the dollar and then slash school budgets because they have no money.
  10. Guys will look at this and think 'hell yeah'.
  11. LOL fucking Gen Z. I work with some good ones, but damn their expectations of what they are worth is humorous at times.
  12. I was told Trump is never wrong so I'm very confused by this development.
  13. You have to buy one to find out.
  14. The updated Outlook is horrible. I'm holding onto the old slightly less shitty version for as long as possible.
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