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Okie State

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Okie State

  1. All-Clad is like some other brands where the main product they make is quality and a lot of the rest is just cashing in on the name.
  2. Why does every retailer think that spamming me with thousands of emails is a good marketing strategy?
  3. It's worth between $0-$5/month.
  4. My kids can't comprehend that we used to have to watch a show when it aired or we just missed it.
  5. I'm happy to say I have no idea who that Brenden Dilley douche is. Another self-proclaimed Patriot I'm guessing.
  6. If all goes well the conference will fail and you can post about it here.
  7. No shit. You cracked it. I don't enjoy the game at all and haven't really ever for as long as I remember. I know a lot of OSU fans who watch, but not sure they actually enjoy the game. All the OU fans I know have always loved it for obvious reasons.
  8. I just want to know why the fuck they use a 9V battery.
  9. Got damn. Do we have a bunch of newbies around here?
  10. Came here to post this. Marketing to the average dumbshit who believes an iPhone is a status symbol I guess. I couldn't give a single fuck if my phone has titanium in it.
  11. Not blastfurnace hot, but my forecast says 86 next week.
  12. I'm ready. My AC is currently humming away.
  13. Answer the question. Or are you just full of shit?
  14. 'At least one'? What bullshit conspiracy theories are there trying to delegitimize 2022?
  15. They are absolute shit in my experience. The only covered issues we've had were plugged drains. I would never pay for one out of pocket.
  16. My kids have a whole kitchen setup we got them when our oldest was probably 3 complete with all kinds of HEB stuff. They have used it pretty consistently for going on 7 years now. They love it.
  17. Let them have it. Their life is already sad if they're into that bullshit.
  18. Of course it will rain on Halloween.
  19. Why would you ever go back? Fuck them.
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