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Okie State

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Okie State

  1. Imma need some fresh sauteed onions with mine.
  2. Box...without those dumbass wheels.
  3. My family is from Pittsburgh so this cracked me up.
  4. I go back and forth on whether Helo is a troll or an idiot. I lean toward troll, but I actually think he's a pretty good representation of the average American so maybe he is really just an idiot.
  5. I'm leaning toward converting at the same time we have it resurfaced next year.
  6. We have the 5003 models. Probably the only thing that surprised me was how loud the washer is during parts of the cycle. I assume it's normal. It doesn't bother me much, but might bother some people. The dryer is awesome.
  7. I ordered the TF-Pro kit and downloaded the app.
  8. Still liking our SpeedQueen set. They're not pretty, have minimal options, and are loud, but they get the job done and will hopefully last a long time.
  9. I just canceled our pool cleaning service because it just doesn't seem like they do much for the amount of money it costs. Any tips on immediate needs to start doing it myself would be appreciated.
  10. This may be the most informative post in this entire shitastic thread.
  11. It was always supposed to just be the car thread! I'll never let that go.
  12. I love those cars for some reason so you should totally buy it with your money and zero risk to me. My Dad had an '86 300zx.
  13. These were the fucking worst. I think maybe they changed my senior year, but not positive.
  14. The endzones have looked red on TV for years. They look completely different in person.
  15. A lot of these people that I have interacted with like to act superior and brag about how they aren't sheep because they question things. Questioning things and being curious and forming your own conclusions is very important and I encourage everyone to do so. The problem is when they start to associate questioning things with ALWAYS taking the contrarian position. Sometimes things are really exactly as they seem. Much of life is just normal mundane bullshit. Not everything is interesting and it doesn't need to be. Making up crazy theories to explain something that is otherwise easily explainable does not make you an intellectual. It actually means you're an idiot.
  16. It's hard to imagine how dumb you'd have to be to believe the Earth was flat. Incomprehensible.
  17. This describes my brother. It's impossible for him to have a conversation without something circling back to the government. Once you're in that spiral you can't even exist anymore without making ridiculous links between things that have nothing to do with each other.
  18. Our current house was built in the 80's. All of them in our small neighborhood had the same builder and nearly all have a sunken wet bar area. Many of the homes are turning over from their original owners and some of the new people are renovating and removing them. I'm leaving ours although I need to think about how to update it.
  19. Taught my 10 year old daughter how to change the oil in the car today. I'd wager 99% of the men I work with don't know how.
  20. I hate all the tech they are putting in. Most of it is completely useless to me.
  21. I opened a stitched bag of dog food first try yesterday. Couldn't believe it. One of the best days of my life.
  22. You are literally the dumbest fucking poster on this entire board. Congrats...I guess.
  23. Saw this thread bumped. Made an Old Fashioned. I also use the orange bitters when I have no oranges. Not the same, but better than nothing.
  24. My Great Aunts were washing paper plates at one of our family holiday get togethers. I couldn't believe it. My Uncle tossed them all as soon as they left the kitchen.
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