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Okie State

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Okie State

  1. We stood in the line there once because we were passing through. It was very good and glad we tried it, but an hour plus wait is really difficult for me to justify. How long until we see the menus change to pricing brisket by the quarter pound?
  2. Literally the first thing any normal human being does when a phone is lost is have someone call it. Idiots.
  3. I'm referencing people who are disrupting the flow of the meeting so we can listen to their jokes because they can't help themselves. Half of the people in the room are scrolling their phones or typing away on their laptops. All of this leads me to believe the meetings really aren't all that necessary or productive.
  4. If I didn't have a family depending on me I'd probably be driving a forklift at a brewery. I don't want to be old, but I can't wait to be done with this bullshit. Amazes me that some people actually enjoy it.
  5. Valet pisses me off in general. It has its place, but not at a normal restaurant with plenty of parking available. Yes let me pay you to park my car two spots over from where I can park myself for free. I'll avoid eating somewhere that is valet only because fuck them.
  6. The good news is that 4Q is less than a week away.
  7. I like when they toss the raw meat in with the fruits and vegetables.
  8. Could have gone the rest of my life without seeing that.
  9. Didn't they just fucking increase this? Like this month? Edit: Nevermind, it was this increase. Looks like the last hike was less than a year ago. All of it is getting out of hand and I'll cancel it all and not give a single fuck.
  10. I'm planning on being here for 16 more years until I retire. Not sure I can make it that long.
  11. This is one of those where it's difficult to discern whether or not they are being serious.
  12. Already feels like 102 outside. Awesome.
  13. Also this. I usually just send them a message to call me on my phone.
  14. People who aren't funny, but feel like they have to crack jokes in every meeting. There's a time to lighten the mood and there's a time to shut the fuck up so we can get to the point and leave.
  15. Fourteen fucking dollars for a Lonestar?
  16. I remember the OAMC being in an art deco font.
  17. Starting to build these organizers for all our kitchen drawers. Pretty easy and kind of fun.
  18. Like you said, he has your offer and can counter if he wants to. Not sure what additional conversation needs to occur.
  19. I do both. I fall asleep instantly and then wake up at 3AM.
  20. I got a call at work from my brother telling me my Mom had passed unexpectedly. She had just turned 60. It was the strangest most surreal moment of my life and I didn't know how to react. I don't even remember driving home or really much other than the call. I was obviously sad for many reasons, but the worst was that she would not be here to see my kids grow. We hadn't even told her about our second that was on the way.
  21. It wasn't good. Thankfully I don't tie my happiness to a game anymore so it was nothing more than a shrug and forget about it for me.
  22. I like how they have people standing around to help when the self checkout inevitably fucks up and takes twice as long. Anything to save a buck while making the whole experience worse for everyone. At least some executive got their bonus though which is what's really important. HEB actually has a few where you just scan shit and toss it on the conveyor down to a bagger. Seems to be the most efficient option if you're going to eliminate jobs.
  23. When my fingerprint login randomly resets on an app. I set that up so I wouldn't have to remember my password.
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