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Okie State

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Okie State

  1. Seems like gold is the obvious answer, right? Bitcoin has more upside, but also way more downside and I don't need more than $1.6 B. Probably putting too much thought into dumbass shit on Facebook.
  2. This. My first thought was that this sounds exactly like something they would make law.
  3. So what are the cons of converting to saltwater? Why shouldn't I do it?
  4. Why the fuck would you go from this to UCF Knights?
  5. Noticeably cheaper than Randall's or Kroger though.
  6. Those are some big fridges. My ceilings are only 9'.
  7. Ahh sorry I misunderstood. That's the exact configuration as my KitchenAid. It's the same fridge really.
  8. That's small even for cabinet depth. Ours is cabinet depth, but is 72" tall. Maybe that's the difference.
  9. Okie State

    Houston BBQ

    It doesn't get much love here, but I've had some good meals at Feges. I only eat there if we're randomly in the area during lunch though. The sausage is my favorite part about Pit Room. I think I saw they're opening one out closer to me which is nice.
  10. Okie State

    Houston BBQ

    I've had average and great meals at Pinkerton's, Pit Room, and Corkscrew. Tejas and Truth have been only great. It's always disappointing to catch an off day, especially at the current prices or if you've talked it up to someone from out of town.
  11. Regardless, 23 cf is plenty of space for two people. Our main fridge is 16 cf fridge/6 cf freezer and is more than enough for our family of four. We do have a secondary fridge for drinks only that is never close to full and isn't really necessary. Extra room just ends up storing shit you don't actually need and will toss in the garbage. I do get the appeal of a separate deep freeze if you want to stock up.
  12. 24 and 18 is still obviously the equivalent of a 42 which is a big ass fridge. I've considered just doing a single 36 column in the kitchen since we have a fridge in our utility room that has a freezer. We'll see. The Sub-Zero was cut from our recent renovation, but the cabinet is there for when we do get one.
  13. Wish Mike was our neighborhood garbage man. Ours are terrible.
  14. Don't blame me...I mow my own lawn.
  15. Other than the super fast boil and less risk of getting burned, why do people like induction so much? We had one in our current house when we moved in and switched back to gas. I didn't cook on it much because I didn't like it. My wife complained about it quite a bit. It was a fairly nice Miele too. What am I missing?
  16. They sell pretty much all the varieties at Fiesta if you have one close by. I need to restock.
  17. This is me anytime anyone asks me anything at work.
  18. You can get them in whatever color you want in case that matters. I love the paneled dishwasher we have.
  19. Also on the fridge, Sub-Zero is the standard, but if money was no object I'd look at a True. BlueStar also makes some really nice looking built-ins although they are fairly new to the game. I guess if you want them paneled those are out though.
  20. Disappointing to hear that about the Miele. I bought ours specifically for the reliability. Hoping it lasts.
  21. Yeah if it's worth it to you then you should do it obviously. It was for me at $35, but isn't at $60+. I don't watch much TV and don't miss it.
  22. Lol it started at like $35. I canceled when it went to around $60. Fuck them.
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