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Okie State

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Okie State

  1. This seems like a longshot, but man that would be the best possible outcome for us.
  2. I love that this thread continues through all hours of the night. Time to catch back up with my morning coffee.
  3. I'd rather just end our athletics program than play in that shittastic conference.
  4. Thought the Pac was your dream conference!? Didn't work out I guess.
  5. I think they're AAU while our academic ranking is...not good.
  6. I like how Colorado is trying to weasel their way into this again. They don't wait around.
  7. Looks good to me. Let's do it. Oh wait...
  8. Got damn that made me laugh. Good shit.
  9. Just correcting your incorrect statement. That's all. Carry on.
  10. Decent at football and suck at everything else? We actually have a really solid athletics program from top to bottom and have for a while now.
  11. I would expect the decommits to start as soon as this is officially announced. Gundy might finally push the retirement button or jump ship like he has flirted with multiple times over the past decade. I guess you can't lose to OU if you don't play them. So we've got that going for us...which is nice.
  12. Well I don't think I said they were so not sure why I was addressed in this. I will say I don't appreciate being jerked around on conference realignment while being told you'll get what you get and like it. If I remember correctly though it was OU, not Texas who stirred things up last go around by flirting with the SEC. I lose track though. It's also clear many on here see zero value in the rest of us and the comment about none of the conference making investments to better their brand is unbelievably out of touch, but also very telling that no matter what we do it won't really make much of a difference. Anyway, I've already said I don't blame Texas for looking out for Texas. I hope our admin does the same for us even though we don't have much pull.
  13. It seems to me they already are and based on the comments in this thread the non-blue bloods offer zero value anyway so I don't see the problem.
  14. Yet another stupid take. It makes no difference what we want. Texas will do what is best for Texas as they should. Just get it over with so we can see where we land.
  15. Agreed on NIL. All of it is inevitable.
  16. Not salty at all. Just think it's where we're headed anyway and probably would be the best end result for everyone.
  17. I actually hope the end result of all this is the blue bloods splitting off into their own league. This would allow them to live out their junior NFL fantasy while eliminating the rest of us leaches from the picture so we can continue to play something that more closely resembles college football as we used to know it. Win-win all around.
  18. Well this is complete bullshit in our case and guess what? It still don't make a shit.
  19. Agreed...so fucking do it already so we can all move on. This whole charade has been a joke since the conference should have dissolved a decade ago.
  20. Our first trip as a family to WDW was cancelled last year for obvious reasons. Wasn't really planning to try again this year, but went ahead and booked a week in October. The kids are at a good age and I don't want to miss the window. Hopefully things don't get out of control with Covid again. We're going to keep it a surprise this time which would also avoid the letdown if something changes and we're forced to cancel.
  21. All I hear is about how these fucks are being censored. Tucker is a piece of shit.
  22. He's the worst thing to happen to this country in a long, long time. Completely tearing us apart from the inside.
  23. Okie State

    Houston BBQ

    I've had top tier brisket from Corkscrew, Tejas, Truth, Pit Room, and Pinkerton's although I've also had mediocre from Pit Room, Corkscrew and Pinkerton's. Never had a bad meal from Tejas and only had Truth once so far, but will definitely be back. The Chile Relleno sausage from Tejas is unbelievable, but overall I still think the best sausage I've had is from Pit Room. I really liked the house sausage from Truth also. Best ribs I've had are probably Pinkerton's. I just love that we have all these options in the area.
  24. This. I don't answer any calls from numbers I don't recognize.
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