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Okie State

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Okie State

  1. I didn't even know they sold the A6 Allroad here. I'd buy every car on that list though.
  2. I would say I can't believe there are people on Surly who think they could take on a Gorilla, but of course there are people on Surly who believe they could take on a Gorilla.
  3. Scrapped at 8 years old. We had a hybrid that saw the same fate at less than ten years old although ours had electrical gremlins. Absolutely ridiculous.
  4. You'll know in the morning if you're going to have any side effects or not. Mine was zero for the first shot and hangover like symptoms for the second. Seems like plenty have no reaction at all though.
  5. It is done. Now we wait.
  6. Some dumbfuck on Nextdoor swore one of these was in our neighborhood recently.
  7. I'm not sure I ever felt threatened by non-maskers. I did think they were inconsiderate assholes though.
  8. Closest I could get is an E450 wagon which will definitely be on the list when the time comes. Still hoping to find a house with a three car garage so I can retire the SS to a weekend toy and buy a wagon for my daily.
  9. I had a family member who spent thousands of dollars storing shit all over town for years. They eventually got behind on bills and all of the units were auctioned off.
  10. This. Why does anyone think this group of people give a fuck what the CDC says? They moved on months ago.
  11. I'm pretty sure I've seen one in Houston with that plate on it.
  12. Fire up the stimmy machine! Figures all of this would happen just as I finally am in a position to upgrade to a different house. Never fails.
  13. Holy shit at that price. I understand the run up in lumber, but still...holy shit.
  14. Was going to say almost no bitter IPAs anymore.
  15. False. Guy in line at Spec's last week assured us that there have been almost zero Covid deaths and the hospitals only count them as such for more money.
  16. Did not get drunk, but still felt like I had a nasty hangover this morning. Not too bad after this morning, but just feel out of it. Hopefully tomorrow is back to normal.
  17. Car prices were already out of control before this bullshit. I liked this quote “It’s better for everybody,” she said. “It’s better for the car company, it’s better for the dealer.”
  18. Got my second Pfizer today. Is it time to get drunk now? Seems like it is.
  19. Picked up a couple wagons today. What do you guys think?
  20. Yeah I can't imagine making a site unseen offer in the first place.
  21. It seems like some around here might be getting site unseen offers that the buyer later backs out of. More than one we've looked at has gone pending within a day or two only to be relisted a week later. A few several times. I don't blame them because these particular houses photograph well, but have been shit in person. I assume some people are listing theirs just to see what they can get and put zero effort into getting them ready for sale. No need I guess.
  22. Grew up with Oscar Meyer, but I'm rich now so Hebrew National.
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