In the spirit of favorite fishing trip thread, curious to read some of your favorite hunting memories or stories.
Like a lot of you guys mine center around me and my dad when I was little. One thing I always look back on is hunting at out families place in east texas. The hunting there has gotten much better over the past 10-15 years but for a time in the early/mid 90's you might be lucky to see a doe here or there all season. So hunting with my dad usually consisted of plenty of nothing to look at. To pass the time in the stand we would pretend there were deer EVERYWHERE. He would whsiper things like "Don't move, I see a 14 point right behind that tree!" And I'd say something stupid like "No I think he's a 20 point buck...and he's BLUE!"
My dad "Ah that's him! The Great Blue Buck of Anderson County!"
I just remember trying not laugh and stay quite, but for 6 or 7 year old me, that's pure comedic gold.
Again, curious to know what stories you all may have.