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Everything posted by BayouBill

  1. The ParkWhiz website was a huge help. $22 for parking .7 miles away.
  2. "It probably wasn't noticed" It wasnt.
  3. I don't know if it just shows on the watchespn app, but the CVS commercial where this woman tells her friend she got everything for Christmas from CVS. Holy shit.
  4. https://www.ispot.tv/ad/A0wg/7up-mix-it-up-a-little-yacht-featuring-2-chainz
  5. hopefully helps Bru see the light even more
  6. Grew up in Palestine and I know the club pro out there. Played there dozens of times and it's one of my all time favorites.
  7. Your typical grind it out, bring your lunchpale to work, scrappy numbers I'd say
  8. Loved Sam's reaction to the "is texas back?" Question during the press conference
  9. Maybe not my all time favorite but the Texas Burger "chains" they have in a few small town is pretty solid. Better fast food burger than Whataburger.
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