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  1. Its not the same game with no Penix.
  2. Tuas brother is at Maryland. Wth are talking about? This was penix's first relatively healthy season.
  3. IU had an 8 win season last season. Penix went and played less than half the season last season due to shoulder injury. Peyton Ramsey was the qb for most of the season. Penix's freshman season was cut very very short to the same acl injury as this year. Be careful what you say.... They are legit.
  4. If no one is ever right then why excuse or accept any answers until the source moves on? Idk... I'm just a fish sandwich
  5. Hasn't it been?
  6. Tom allen is at his dream Gig. He is From Indiana and is building a Monster, he and Pat Fitzgerald are dudes that are very happy with their situations.
  7. I believe that they wouldn't fire Tom before or during the bb game due to the obvious distraction it would present. Not fair to the bb team with a big game on the slate. What if its just an unceremonious departure this evening? Idk. Everything about this shituation is so odd
  8. Unfortunately IF Big Perm, I mean big Herm comes back you'd have to give him stability or this place is in a bigger mess than it is today. I don't think under any circumstance he would be back at all for any reason next year... but what the hell do I know, I'm just a fish sandwich.
  9. With an extension too. You'd almost have to to stabilize things. This could go from great to FUBAR
  10. He's also probably earned that back in subs already too. He can always fall back on any number of excuses for why his info didn't pan out. Most legit insiders get bad info occasionally anyways. This dude is just going all in on it though. But Wth do I know, I'm just a fish sandwich.
  11. If you can't trust a squid then who can you trust.
  12. Gotta pocket some coin for a few years to get back in the black. Times are tough
  13. Shit, I'm the owner, ceo, cfo and marketer-nurse for any and all companies
  14. Caught in a landslide
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