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Willie Fisterbodum

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Everything posted by Willie Fisterbodum

  1. I watched this documentary on Miami. It was pretty good. It was called Dexter... Anyways according to that documentary 1 out of every 4 Miamians are murdered. Facts...
  2. So Minnesota is down 33 players, out of conference championship contention, yet they are still playing...
  3. So I started on the thread around page 250, created an account about page 400. I feel I owe at least the 250 I missed. I am in... to the elbow
  4. Uh, no... No idea what you are talking about. Nothing to see here. You wouldn't happen to have a link to this Futerman's profile handy would you. Asking for a friend
  5. I have a deep feeling he will.
  6. A username born of this thread
  7. Well, hello everyone. Where have been (surly) all my life?
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