4, 5, 6, and probably 3 are things that you'll probably just have to keep watching the show to find out more about.
But I agree that if you're going to type out that list and nitpick everything in the show, you should just stop watching. You're not going to enjoy it because it's not going to perfectly match the lore.
My main complaint about the show is that they really made Middle Earth seem small. The one time they did this well was the Harfoot travel scene with the song and map. Other than that, people are just wherever is convenient whenever it's convenient.
It was also weird that the Southlands village was like 50 people, half left and there were now only 50 people, almost all of them die in a battle cutting them down to 50 people, and then they get volcano'd reducing their number to 50 people. Like I'm sure there was covid stuff that made filming weird, but they did a bad job showing the scale of things.
But overall I really enjoyed things and can't wait for the next season.